
There are several functions available to convert between the different types of 3D rotation representations.

DCMs to Euler Angles

A Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM) can be converted to Euler Angles using the following function:

function dcm_to_angle(dcm::DCM, rot_seq=:ZYX)

Gimbal-lock and special cases

If the rotations are about three different axes, e.g. :XYZ, :ZYX, etc., then a second rotation of $\pm 90^{\circ}$ yields a gimbal-lock. This means that the rotations between the first and third axes have the same effect. In this case, the net rotation angle is assigned to the first rotation and the angle of the third rotation is set to 0.

If the rotations are about two different axes, e.g. :XYX, :YXY, etc., then a rotation about the duplicated axis yields multiple representations. In this case, the entire angle is assigned to the first rotation and the third rotation is set to 0.

julia> dcm = DCM([1 0 0; 0 0 -1; 0 1 0]);

julia> dcm_to_angle(dcm)
  R(Z) :  0.0    rad  ( 0.0°)
  R(Y) :  0.0    rad  ( 0.0°)
  R(X) : -1.5708 rad  (-90.0°)

julia> dcm_to_angle(dcm, :XYZ)
  R(X) : -1.5708 rad  (-90.0°)
  R(Y) :  0.0    rad  ( 0.0°)
  R(Z) :  0.0    rad  ( 0.0°)

julia> D = angle_to_dcm(1, -pi / 2, 2, :ZYX);

julia> dcm_to_angle(D, :ZYX)
  R(Z) :  3.0    rad  ( 171.887°)
  R(Y) : -1.5708 rad  (-90.0°)
  R(X) :  0.0    rad  ( 0.0°)

julia> D = angle_to_dcm(1, :X) * angle_to_dcm(2, :X);

julia> dcm_to_angle(D, :XYX)
  R(X) :  3.0 rad  ( 171.887°)
  R(Y) :  0.0 rad  ( 0.0°)
  R(X) :  0.0 rad  ( 0.0°)

DCMs to Euler Angle and Axis

A DCM can be converto to an Euler angle and axis representation using the following method:

function dcm_to_angleaxis(dcm::DCM)
julia> dcm = DCM([1.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 -1.0; 0.0 1.0 0.0]);

julia> ea  = dcm_to_angleaxis(dcm)
  Euler angle : 1.5708 rad  (90.0°)
  Euler axis  : [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0]

DCMs to Quaternions

A DCM can be converted to quaternion using the following method:

function dcm_to_quat(dcm::DCM)
julia> dcm = DCM([1.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 -1.0; 0.0 1.0 0.0]);

julia> q   = dcm_to_quat(dcm)
  + 0.707107 - 0.707107⋅i + 0.0⋅j + 0.0⋅k

Euler Angle and Axis to DCMs

An Euler angle and axis representation can be converted to DCM using using these two methods:

function angleaxis_to_dcm(a::Number, v::AbstractVector)
function angleaxis_to_dcm(ea::EulerAngleAxis)
julia> a = 60.0 * pi / 180;

julia> v = [sqrt(3) / 3, sqrt(3) / 3, sqrt(3)/3];

julia> angleaxis_to_dcm(a, v)
  0.666667   0.666667  -0.333333
 -0.333333   0.666667   0.666667
  0.666667  -0.333333   0.666667

julia> angleaxis = EulerAngleAxis(a, v);

julia> angleaxis_to_dcm(angleaxis)
  0.666667   0.666667  -0.333333
 -0.333333   0.666667   0.666667
  0.666667  -0.333333   0.666667

Euler Angle and Axis to Euler Angles

An Euler angle and axis representaion can be converto to Euler angles using these two methods:

function angleaxis_to_angle(θ::Number, v::AbstractVector, rot_seq::Symbol)
function angleaxis_to_angle(ea::EulerAngleAxis, rot_seq::Symbol)
julia> a = 19.86 * pi / 180;

julia> v = [0, 1, 0];

julia> angleaxis_to_angle(a, v, :XYX)
  R(X) :  0.0      rad  ( 0.0°)
  R(Y) :  0.346622 rad  ( 19.86°)
  R(X) :  0.0      rad  ( 0.0°)

julia> a = 60.0 * pi / 180;

julia> v = [sqrt(3) / 3, sqrt(3) / 3, sqrt(3) / 3];

julia> angleaxis = EulerAngleAxis(a, v)
  Euler angle : 1.0472 rad  (60.0°)
  Euler axis  : [0.57735, 0.57735, 0.57735]

julia> angleaxis_to_angle(angleaxis, :XYZ)
  R(X) :  0.463648 rad  ( 26.5651°)
  R(Y) :  0.729728 rad  ( 41.8103°)
  R(Z) :  0.463648 rad  ( 26.5651°)

julia> angleaxis_to_angle(angleaxis, :ZYX)
  R(Z) :  0.785398 rad  ( 45.0°)
  R(Y) :  0.339837 rad  ( 19.4712°)
  R(X) :  0.785398 rad  ( 45.0°)

Euler Angle and Axis to Quaternions

An Euler angle and axis representation can be converted to quaternion using these two methods:

function angleaxis_to_quat(a::Number, v::AbstractVector)
function angleaxis_to_quat(angleaxis::EulerAngleAxis)
julia> a = 60.0 * pi / 180;

julia> v = [sqrt(3) / 3, sqrt(3) / 3, sqrt(3) / 3];

julia> angleaxis_to_quat(a,v)
  + 0.866025 + 0.288675⋅i + 0.288675⋅j + 0.288675⋅k

julia> angleaxis = EulerAngleAxis(a,v);

julia> angleaxis_to_quat(angleaxis)
  + 0.866025 + 0.288675⋅i + 0.288675⋅j + 0.288675⋅k

Euler Angles to Direction Cosine Matrices

Euler angles can be converted to DCMs using the following functions:

function angle_to_dcm(θ₁::Number[, θ₂::Number[, θ₃::Number]], rot_seq::Symbol = :ZYX)
function angle_to_dcm(Θ::EulerAngles)
julia> dcm = angle_to_dcm(pi / 2, pi / 4, pi / 3, :ZYX)
  4.32978e-17  0.707107  -0.707107
 -0.5          0.612372   0.612372
  0.866025     0.353553   0.353553

julia> angles = EulerAngles(pi / 2, pi / 4, pi / 3, :ZYX);

julia> dcm = angle_to_dcm(angles)
  4.32978e-17  0.707107  -0.707107
 -0.5          0.612372   0.612372
  0.866025     0.353553   0.353553

Suppose the user desires to obtain the DCM that rotates the coordinate system about only one or two axes. In that case, it is better to use the following functions due to improved accuracy in some cases:

function angle_to_dcm(θ₁::Number, rot_seq::Symbol)
function angle_to_dcm(θ₁::Number, θ₂::Number, rot_seq::Symbol)
julia> angle_to_dcm(-pi / 4, :Z)
 0.707107  -0.707107  0.0
 0.707107   0.707107  0.0
 0.0        0.0       1.0

julia> angle_to_dcm(-pi / 4, pi / 7, :XY)
 0.900969  -0.306802  -0.306802
 0.0        0.707107  -0.707107
 0.433884   0.637081   0.637081

Euler Angles to Euler Angles

It is possible to change the rotation sequence of a set of Euler angles using the following functions:

function angle_to_angle(θ₁::Number, θ₂::Number, θ₃::Number, rot_seq_orig::Symbol, rot_seq_dest::Symbol)
function angle_to_angle(Θ::EulerAngles, rot_seq_dest::Symbol)

in which rot_seq_dest is the desired rotation sequence of the result.

julia> angle_to_angle(-pi / 2, -pi / 3, -pi / 4, :ZYX, :XYZ)
  R(X) : -1.0472   rad  (-60.0°)
  R(Y) :  0.785398 rad  ( 45.0°)
  R(Z) : -1.5708   rad  (-90.0°)

julia> angle_to_angle(-pi / 2, 0, 0, :ZYX, :XYZ)
  R(X) :  0.0    rad  ( 0.0°)
  R(Y) :  0.0    rad  ( 0.0°)
  R(Z) : -1.5708 rad  (-90.0°)

julia> Θ = EulerAngles(1, 2, 3, :XYX)
  R(X) :  1 rad  ( 57.2958°)
  R(Y) :  2 rad  ( 114.592°)
  R(X) :  3 rad  ( 171.887°)

julia> angle_to_angle(Θ, :ZYZ)
  R(Z) : -2.70239 rad  (-154.836°)
  R(Y) :  1.46676 rad  ( 84.0393°)
  R(Z) : -1.05415 rad  (-60.3984°)

Euler Angles to Euler angle and axis

Euler angles can be converted to an Euler angle and axis using the following functions:

function angle_to_angleaxis(θ₁::Number, θ₂::Number, θ₃::Number, rot_seq::Symbol = :ZYX)
function angle_to_angleaxis(Θ::EulerAngles)
julia> angle_to_angleaxis(1, 0, 0, :XYZ)
  Euler angle : 1.0 rad  (57.2958°)
  Euler axis  : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]

julia> Θ = EulerAngles(1, 1, 1, :XYZ);

julia> angle_to_angleaxis(Θ)
  Euler angle : 1.93909 rad  (111.102°)
  Euler axis  : [0.692363, 0.203145, 0.692363]

Euler Angles to Quaternions

Euler angles can be converted to quaternions using the following functions:

function angle_to_quat(θ₁::Number[, θ₂::Number[, θ₃::Number]], rot_seq::Symbol = :ZYX)
function angle_to_quat(Θ::EulerAngles)
julia> q = angle_to_quat(pi / 2, pi / 4, pi / 3, :ZYX)
  + 0.701057 + 0.092296⋅i + 0.560986⋅j + 0.430459⋅k

julia> angles = EulerAngles(pi / 2, pi / 4, pi / 3, :ZYX);

julia> q = angle_to_quat(angles)
  + 0.701057 + 0.092296⋅i + 0.560986⋅j + 0.430459⋅k

Suppose the user desires to obtain the quaternion that rotates the coordinate system about only one or two axes. In that case, it is better to use the following functions due to improved accuracy in some cases:

function angle_to_quat(θ₁::Number, rot_seq::Symbol)
function angle_to_quat(θ₁::Number, θ₂::Number, rot_seq::Symbol)
julia> angle_to_quat(-pi / 4, :Z)
  + 0.92388 + 0.0⋅i + 0.0⋅j - 0.382683⋅k

julia> angle_to_quat(-pi / 4, pi / 7, :XY)
  + 0.900716 - 0.373089⋅i + 0.205583⋅j - 0.0851551⋅k

Small Euler Angles to Direction Cosine Matrices

Small Euler angles can be converted to DCMs using the following function:

function smallangle_to_dcm(θx::Number, θy::Number, θz::Number; normalize = true)

in which the resulting matrix will be orthonormalized if the keyword normalize is true.

julia> dcm = smallangle_to_dcm(0.001, -0.002, +0.003)
  0.999994     0.00299799   0.00200298
 -0.00299998   0.999995     0.000993989
 -0.00199999  -0.000999991  0.999998

julia> dcm = smallangle_to_dcm(0.001, -0.002, +0.003; normalize = false)
  1.0     0.003  0.002
 -0.003   1.0    0.001
 -0.002  -0.001  1.0

Small Euler Angles to Quaternions

Small Euler angles can be converted to quaternions using the following function:

function smallangle_to_quat(θx::Number, θy::Number, θz::Number)
julia> q = smallangle_to_quat(0.001, -0.002, +0.003)
  + 0.999998 + 0.000499999⋅i - 0.000999998⋅j + 0.0015⋅k

The computed quaternion is normalized.

Quaternions to Direction Cosine Matrices

A quaternion can be converted to DCM using the following method:

function quat_to_dcm(q::Quaternion)
julia> q = Quaternion(cosd(22.5), sind(22.5), 0.0, 0.0);

julia> dcm = quat_to_dcm(q)
 1.0   0.0       0.0
 0.0   0.707107  0.707107
 0.0  -0.707107  0.707107

Quaternions to Euler Angle and Axis

A quaternion can be converted to Euler Angle and Axis representation using the following function:

function quat_to_angleaxis(q::Quaternion)
julia> v = [sqrt(3) / 3, sqrt(3) / 3, sqrt(3) / 3];

julia> a = 60.0 * pi / 180;

julia> q = Quaternion(cos(a / 2), v * sin(a / 2));

julia> quat_to_angleaxis(q)
  Euler angle : 1.0472 rad  (60.0°)
  Euler axis  : [0.57735, 0.57735, 0.57735]

Quaternions to Euler Angles

There is one method to convert quaternions to Euler Angles:

function quat_to_angle(q::Quaternion, rot_seq=:ZYX)

However, it first transforms the quaternion to DCM using quat_to_dcm and then transforms the DCM into the Euler Angles. Hence, the performance will be poor. The improvement of this conversion will be addressed in a future version of ReferenceFrameRotations.jl.

julia> q = Quaternion(cosd(22.5), sind(22.5), 0.0, 0.0);

julia> quat_to_angle(q, :XYZ)
  R(X) :  0.785398 rad  ( 45.0°)
  R(Y) :  0.0      rad  ( 0.0°)
  R(Z) :  0.0      rad  ( 0.0°)

Julia API

All the rotation representations can be converted using the Julia API function convert:

julia> dcm = angle_to_dcm(pi / 4, pi / 7, pi / 5)
  0.637081   0.637081  -0.433884
 -0.391728   0.752395   0.529576
  0.663835  -0.167419   0.728899

julia> convert(Quaternion, dcm)
  + 0.882946 + 0.197349⋅i + 0.310811⋅j + 0.2913⋅k

julia> convert(EulerAngleAxis, dcm)
  Euler angle : 0.977391 rad  (56.0004°)
  Euler axis  : [0.420362, 0.662041, 0.620481]

julia> q = Quaternion(cos(pi / 4), 0, sin(pi / 4), 0)
  + 0.707107 + 0.0⋅i + 0.707107⋅j + 0.0⋅k

julia> convert(DCM, q)
 2.22045e-16  0.0  -1.0
 0.0          1.0   0.0
 1.0          0.0   2.22045e-16

If it is desired to convert to EulerAngles, then one should use the help function EulerAngles(rot_seq), where rot_seq is a symbol specifying the rotation sequence. If EulerAngles is used, then it defaults to ZYX rotation sequence:

julia> dcm = angle_to_dcm(pi / 4, pi / 7, pi / 5)
  0.637081   0.637081  -0.433884
 -0.391728   0.752395   0.529576
  0.663835  -0.167419   0.728899

julia> convert(EulerAngles, dcm)
  R(Z) :  0.785398 rad  ( 45.0°)
  R(Y) :  0.448799 rad  ( 25.7143°)
  R(X) :  0.628319 rad  ( 36.0°)

julia> convert(EulerAngles(:YXY), dcm)
  R(Y) : -0.636877 rad  (-36.4903°)
  R(X) :  0.719106 rad  ( 41.2017°)
  R(Y) :  1.31382  rad  ( 75.2761°)

julia> convert(EulerAngles(:XYX), dcm)
  R(X) :  0.972902 rad  ( 55.7432°)
  R(Y) :  0.880091 rad  ( 50.4255°)
  R(X) : -0.533107 rad  (-30.5448°)

Supporting this API enables us to perform interesting conversions like:

julia> v = [
           Quaternion(cos(pi / 5), sin(pi / 5), 0, 0),
           angle_to_dcm(pi / 5, pi / 10, 1),
           EulerAngleAxis(0.54, [sqrt(2)/2, sqrt(2)/2, 0])
3-element Vector{Any}:
 Quaternion{Float64}: + 0.809017 + 0.587785⋅i + 0.0⋅j + 0.0⋅k
 [0.7694208842938134 0.5590169943749475 -0.3090169943749474; -0.10721398096693543 0.5899548616836684 0.8002864633748501; 0.6296798115691402 -0.5826261761848704 0.5138580287651915]
 EulerAngleAxis{Float64}: θ = 0.54 rad, v = [0.707107, 0.707107, 0.0]

julia> v = Quaternion[
           Quaternion(cos(pi / 5), sin(pi / 5), 0, 0),
           angle_to_dcm(pi / 5, pi / 10, 1),
           EulerAngleAxis(0.54, [sqrt(2)/2, sqrt(2)/2, 0])
3-element Vector{Quaternion}:
 Quaternion{Float64}: + 0.809017 + 0.587785⋅i + 0.0⋅j + 0.0⋅k
 Quaternion{Float64}: + 0.847531 + 0.407924⋅i + 0.276892⋅j + 0.196521⋅k
 Quaternion{Float64}: + 0.963771 + 0.188608⋅i + 0.188608⋅j + 0.0⋅k

julia> v = EulerAngleAxis[
           Quaternion(cos(pi / 5), sin(pi / 5), 0, 0),
           angle_to_dcm(pi / 5, pi / 10, 1),
           EulerAngleAxis(0.54, [sqrt(2)/2, sqrt(2)/2, 0])
3-element Vector{EulerAngleAxis}:
 EulerAngleAxis{Float64}: θ = 1.25664 rad, v = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
 EulerAngleAxis{Float64}: θ = 1.11896 rad, v = [0.768586, 0.521703, 0.370273]
 EulerAngleAxis{Float64}: θ = 0.54 rad, v = [0.707107, 0.707107, 0.0]