Orbit propagators
Currently, there are four orbit propagators available: Two Body, J2, J4 and SGP4. All coded in Julia (no external libraries required).
Two Body
This algorithm assumes a Keplerian orbit, i.e. considers that the Earth is spherical with the gravitational force computed by Newton's laws.
This algorithm considers the perturbation terms up to J2
and the drag effects. The implementation available here was adapted from [1].
This algorithm considers the perturbation terms J2
, J2²
, and J4
and the drag effects. The implementation available here was adapted from [1].
The SGP4 algorithm here was based on [2,3]. It contains the deep space support that is automatically selected based on the input orbit. Hence, technically, it is the SPG4/SDP4 algorithm, which will be called just SGP4 here.
All the propagators need to be initialized first using the API function init_orbit_proapgator
. The functions signature for each algorithm can be seen as follows.
Initialization of Two body, J2, and J4
The orbit propagators two body, J2, and J4 can be initialized using three different methods.
function init_orbit_proapgator(T, epoch::Number, f_0::Number, e_0::Number, i_0::Number, Ω_0::Number, ω_0::Number, f_0::Number)
is the type of the orbit propagator (Val{:twobody}
for Two Body,Val{:J2}
for J2, andVal{:J4}
for J4).epoch
: Initial orbit epoch [Julian Day].a_0
: Initial semi-major axis [m].e_0
: Initial eccentricity.i_0
: Initial inclination [rad].Ω_0
: Initial right ascension of the ascending node [rad].ω_0
: Initial argument of perigee [rad].f_0
: Initial true anomaly [rad].
The inputs are the mean orbital elements.
function init_orbit_propagator(T, orb_0::Orbit)
is the type of the orbit propagator (Val{:twobody}
for Two Body,Val{:J2}
for J2, andVal{:J4}
for J4).orb_0
: Initial orbital elements (seeOrbit
function init_orbit_propagator(T, tle::TLE)
is the type of the orbit propagator (Val{:twobody}
for Two Body,Val{:J2}
for J2, andVal{:J4}
for J4).tle
: TLE that will be used to initialize the propagator (see TLE).
There are some optional parameters that depend on the orbit propagator type that can be used to customize the algorithm. Those options are listed as follows:
Two Body
: Standard gravitational parameter of the central body [m³/s²] (Default =m0
J2 Orbit Propagator
: First time derivative of mean motion divided by 2 [rad/s²] (Default = 0).ddn_o6
: Second time derivative of mean motion divided by 6 [rad/s³] (Default = 0).j2_gc
: J2 orbit propagator gravitational constants (seeJ2_GravCte
) (Default =j2_gc_egm08
The two first options are not available when the TLE is used because this information is provided by the TLE.
J4 Orbit Propagator
: First time derivative of mean motion divided by 2 [rad/s²] (Default = 0).ddn_o6
: Second time derivative of mean motion divided by 6 [rad/s³] (Default = 0).j4_gc
: J4 orbit propagator gravitational constants (seeJ4_GravCte
) (Default =j4_gc_egm08
The two first options are not available when the TLE is used because this information is provided by the TLE.
Initialization using the angular velocity
If the orbit is defined in terms of the angular velocity (mean motion) instead of the semi-major axis, then it is possible to use the function angvel_to_a
to convert:
function angvel_to_a(n::Number, e::Number, i::Number, pert::Symbol = :J2)
It computes the semi-major axis that will provide an angular velocity n
[rad/s] in an orbit with eccentricity e
and inclination i
[rad], using the perturbation terms specified by the symbol pert
Notice that the angular velocity n
is related to the nodal period, i.e. the time between two consecutive passages by the ascending node.
can be:
: Consider a Keplerian orbit.:J2
: Consider the perturbation terms up to J2.:J4
: Consider the perturbation terms J2, J4, and J2².
If pert
is omitted, then it defaults to :J2
Initialization of SGP4
The SGP4/SDP4 propagator is meant to be used together with a TLE. Hence, the initialization using user-defined orbital elements is not available through the API. If this is really required, then the user must access the low-level function sgp4_init
The API function to initialize the SGP4 using a TLE is:
function init_orbit_propagator(T, tle::TLE, sgp4_gc::SGP4_GravCte = sgp4_gc_wgs84)
must beVal{:sgp4}
: TLE that will be used to initialize the propagator (see TLE).sgp4_gc
: Gravitational constants (seeSGP4_GravCte
) (Default =sgp4_gc_wgs84
After the orbit propagator is initialized, the orbit can be propagated by the API functions propagate!
, propagate_to_epoch!
, and step!
The function propagate!
has two signature. The first one is
function propagate!(orbp, t::Number) where T
in which the orbit will be propagated by t
[s] from the orbit epoch, which is defined in the initialization and is never changed. This function returns a tuple with three values:
- The mean Keplerian elements represented in the inertial reference frame encapsulated in an instance of the structure
[SI units]. - The position vector represented in the inertial reference frame [m].
- The velocity vector represented in the inertial reference frame [m].
The second signature of propagate!
function propagate!(orbp, t::AbstractVector) where T
where the orbit will be propagated for every value in the vector t
[s], which is a number of seconds from the orbit epoch. In this case, an array of tuples with be returned with each element equivalent to that described for the first case.
The function propagate_to_epoch!
also have two signatures similar to propagate!
function propagate_to_epoch!(orbp, JD::Number) where T
function propagate_to_epoch!(orbp, JD::AbstractVector) where T
It also returns the same information. However, the input argument JD
is an epoch [Julian Day] to which the orbit will be propagated instead of the number of seconds from the orbit epoch.
The conversion from Julian Day to seconds that propagate_to_epoch!
must perform can introduce numerical errors.
The step!
function has the following signature:
function step!(orbp, Δt::Number)
where the orbit is propagated by Δt
[s] from the last propagation instant. This function returns the same information of the first signature of propagate!
In all cases, the structure orbp
is modified by updating the orbit elements related to the last propagation instant.
All the algorithms can be used to propagate the orbit forward or backward in time.
Reference systems
The inertial reference system in which the propagated values are represented depends on the reference system used to represent the input data. For TLE representation, it is very common to use the TEME (True Equator, Mean Equinox) frame. For more information, see [1].
julia> orbp = init_orbit_propagator(Val{:twobody}, 0.0, 7130982.0, 0.001111, 98.405*pi/180, pi/2, 0.0, 0.0);
julia> o,r,v = propagate!(orbp, collect(0:3:24)*60*60);
julia> r
9-element Array{StaticArrays.SArray{Tuple{3},Float64,1,3},1}:
[5.303715994246266e-7, 7.123059478998e6, 3.5865499807263485e-6]
[-987245.0339074, 2.279596565043737e6, -6.681575536568594e6]
[-634570.3707618034, -5.665101888147292e6, -4.2947087297387365e6]
[577611.4579814273, -5.943853474162778e6, 3.9092165113412146e6]
[1.0074912863926954e6, 1.8203277350449404e6, 6.818600146130346e6]
[70133.24345801045, 7.106899203983666e6, 474654.76927706896]
[-962529.335994023, 2.728545148066921e6, -6.514302167875479e6]
[-688667.0923408244, -5.360798284037417e6, -4.660829924676904e6]
[518047.6023245827, -6.195799234254951e6, 3.506094300388868e6]
julia> orbp = init_orbit_propagator(Val{:J2}, Orbit(0.0, 7130982.0, 0.001111, 98.405*pi/180, pi/2, 0.0, 0.0));
julia> o,r,v = propagate!(orbp, collect(0:3:24)*60*60);
julia> r
9-element Array{StaticArrays.SArray{Tuple{3},Float64,1,3},1}:
[5.303715994246266e-7, 7.123059478998e6, 3.5865499807263485e-6]
[-996350.5627457234, 2.1863731572358934e6, -6.711368000337593e6]
[-587227.7524935548, -5.7823782285582125e6, -4.1425579248947604e6]
[649426.5668227341, -5.775582427402986e6, 4.143016122164814e6]
[972827.4418155277, 2.1969250985300676e6, 6.711636962150092e6]
[-76509.36506314446, 7.122652836575141e6, 475.6194989516807]
[-1.0197591007937173e6, 2.1755856272075106e6, -6.711096628510466e6]
[-524958.6812806559, -5.788492655727532e6, -4.142103918669042e6]
[711547.4809893237, -5.76810618709308e6, 4.1434780500537464e6]
julia> orbp = init_orbit_propagator(Val{:J2}, Orbit(DatetoJD(1986,6,19,0,0,0), 7130982.0, 0.001111, 98.405*pi/180, pi/2, 0.0, 0.0));
julia> o,r,v = propagate_to_epoch!(orbp, DatetoJD(1986,6,19,0,0,0) .+ collect(0:3:24)/24);
julia> r
9-element Array{StaticArrays.SArray{Tuple{3},Float64,1,3},1}:
[5.303715994246266e-7, 7.123059478998e6, 3.5865499807263485e-6]
[-996350.5627457234, 2.1863731572358934e6, -6.711368000337593e6]
[-587227.7524935548, -5.7823782285582125e6, -4.1425579248947604e6]
[649426.5668227341, -5.775582427402986e6, 4.143016122164814e6]
[972827.4418155277, 2.1969250985300676e6, 6.711636962150092e6]
[-76509.36506314446, 7.122652836575141e6, 475.6194989516807]
[-1.0197591007937173e6, 2.1755856272075106e6, -6.711096628510466e6]
[-524958.6812806559, -5.788492655727532e6, -4.142103918669042e6]
[711547.4809893237, -5.76810618709308e6, 4.1434780500537464e6]
julia> orbp = init_orbit_propagator(Val{:J4}, Orbit(DatetoJD(1986,6,19,0,0,0), 7130982.0, 0.001111, 98.405*pi/180, pi/2, 0.0, 0.0));
julia> o,r,v = propagate!(orbp, (0:3:24)*60*60);
julia> r
9-element Array{StaticArrays.SArray{Tuple{3},Float64,1,3},1}:
[5.303715994246266e-7, 7.123059478998e6, 3.5865499807263485e-6]
[-996366.9594239298, 2.186158292807681e6, -6.711435734688962e6]
[-587137.7897539997, -5.782642810012012e6, -4.142201695851664e6]
[649557.2207401077, -5.775184062789546e6, 4.1435504138820255e6]
[972752.5982245656, 2.197783769856242e6, 6.711365970396049e6]
[-76783.52150567244, 7.122649846215868e6, -625.3751192685158]
[-1.0198435837402515e6, 2.17429541155351e6, -6.7115029548768755e6]
[-524633.8411768015, -5.789415102204635e6, -4.1408569964067223e6]
[711884.4065749163, -5.767040023648431e6, 4.1449026893434837e6]
julia> tle_scd1 = tle"""
1 22490U 93009B 18350.91204528 .00000219 00000-0 10201-4 0 9996
2 22490 24.9683 170.6788 0043029 357.3326 117.9323 14.44539175364603
julia> orbp = init_orbit_propagator(Val{:sgp4}, tle_scd1);
julia> o,r,v = propagate!(orbp, (0:3:24)*60*60);
julia> r
9-element Array{StaticArrays.SArray{Tuple{3},Float64,1,3},1}:
[2.1104012562923166e6, -6.248944717841756e6, 2.7103754647550117e6]
[-5.592457608056556e6, -3.7813257981715053e6, 2.1882968787571643e6]
[-5.988375857808983e6, 3.627483705445919e6, -1.1327315536731675e6]
[1.4405613907279489e6, 6.296033411211332e6, -3.0047273909310466e6]
[7.026149940376372e6, 791501.9859623271, -1.061727896730936e6]
[3.6069983933267347e6, -5.743279083559109e6, 2.21988653760847e6]
[-4.430433261051035e6, -4.853641397034226e6, 2.6886290511943335e6]
[-6.675541341088373e6, 2.372196988700215e6, -279066.08984961873]
[-193293.3502548483, 6.501272877734009e6, -2.8915511460724827e6]
julia> v
9-element Array{StaticArrays.SArray{Tuple{3},Float64,1,3},1}:
[7129.19085352138, 1784.0696855845256, -1358.3238197147184]
[4573.3147340566975, -5547.0437916909905, 2171.2458526391238]
[-3969.352987692075, -5663.638822765204, 2940.09359907522]
[-7305.141378585876, 1611.5624355458967, -49.362957814204904]
[-1211.7826922676047, 6739.965820219686, -2945.926548674715]
[6417.953384292589, 3175.7563180703937, -2122.04199768743]
[5799.58683945934, -4551.6320882861355, 1407.446888081471]
[-2391.636997068708, -6387.691108730701, 3161.6577154337137]
[-7435.439550407853, 128.80933740830324, 866.5999572489661]
julia> orbp = init_orbit_propagator(Val{:sgp4}, tle_scd1);
julia> o,r,v = step!(orbp, 3*60*60);
julia> o,r,v = step!(orbp, 3*60*60);
julia> o,r,v = step!(orbp, 3*60*60);
julia> o,r,v = step!(orbp, 3*60*60);
julia> o,r,v = step!(orbp, 3*60*60);
julia> o,r,v = step!(orbp, 3*60*60);
julia> o,r,v = step!(orbp, 3*60*60);
julia> o,r,v = step!(orbp, 3*60*60);
julia> r
3-element StaticArrays.SArray{Tuple{3},Float64,1,3} with indices SOneTo(3):
julia> v
3-element StaticArrays.SArray{Tuple{3},Float64,1,3} with indices SOneTo(3):
Low level access
All propagators can be accessed by low-level functions. This allows the user to have more control about the algorithm and also to reduce the overhead related to the API functions. If such optimization is necessary, see the functions inside the directory ./src/orbit/propagators
[1] Vallado, D. A., McClain, W. D (2013). Fundamentals of astrodynamics and applications. Hawthorne, CA: Microcosm Press.
[2] Hoots, F. R., Roehrich, R. L (1980). Models for Propagation of NORAD Elements Set. Spacetrack Report No. 3.
[3] Vallado, D. A., Crawford, P., Hujsak, R., Kelso, T. S (2006). Revisiting Spacetrack Report #3: Rev1. AIAA.