
Documentation for SatelliteToolboxAtmosphericModels.jl.

struct JB2008Output{T<:Number}

Output of the atmospheric model Jacchia-Bowman 2008.


  • total_density::T: Total atmospheric density [1 / m³].
  • temperature::T: Temperature at the selected position [K].
  • exospheric_temperature::T: Exospheric temperature [K].
  • N2_number_density::T: Number density of N₂ [1 / m³].
  • O2_number_density::T: Number density of O₂ [1 / m³].
  • O_number_density::T: Number density of O [1 / m³].
  • Ar_number_density::T: Number density of Ar [1 / m³].
  • He_number_density::T: Number density of He [1 / m³].
  • H_number_density::T: Number density of H [1 / m³].
struct JR1971Output{T<:Number}

Output of the atmospheric model Jacchia-Roberts 1971.


  • total_density::T: Total atmospheric density [1 / m³].
  • temperature::T: Temperature at the selected position [K].
  • exospheric_temperature::T: Exospheric temperature [K].
  • N2_number_density::T: Number density of N₂ [1 / m³].
  • O2_number_density::T: Number density of O₂ [1 / m³].
  • O_number_density::T: Number density of O [1 / m³].
  • Ar_number_density::T: Number density of Ar [1 / m³].
  • He_number_density::T: Number density of He [1 / m³].
  • H_number_density::T: Number density of H [1 / m³].
struct Nrlmsise00Flags

Flags to configure NRLMSISE-00.


  • F10_Mean::Bool: F10.7 effect on mean.
  • time_independent::Bool: Independent of time.
  • sym_annual::Bool: Symmetrical annual.
  • sym_semiannual::Bool: Symmetrical semiannual.
  • asym_annual::Bool: Asymmetrical annual.
  • asyn_semiannual::Bool: Asymmetrical semiannual.
  • diurnal::Bool: Diurnal.
  • semidiurnal::Bool: Semidiurnal.
  • daily_ap::Bool: Daily AP.
  • all_ut_long_effects::Bool: All UT/long effects.
  • longitudinal::Bool: Longitudinal.
  • ut_mixed_ut_long::Bool: UT and mixed UT/long.
  • mixed_ap_ut_long::Bool: Mixed AP/UT/long.
  • terdiurnal::Bool: Terdiurnal.
  • departures_from_eq::Bool: Departures from diffusive equilibrium.
  • all_tinf_var::Bool: All TINF variations.
  • all_tlb_var::Bool: All TLB variations.
  • all_tn1_var::Bool: All TN1 variations.
  • all_s_var::Bool: All S variations.
  • all_tn2_var::Bool: All TN2 variations.
  • all_nlb_var::Bool: All NLB variations.
  • all_tn3_var::Bool: All TN3 variations.
  • turbo_scale_height::Bool: Turbo scale height variations.
struct Nrlmsise00Output{T<:Number}

Output structure for NRLMSISE00 model.


  • total_density::T: Total mass density [kg / m³].
  • temperature: Temperature at the selected altitude [K].
  • exospheric_temperature: Exospheric temperature [K].
  • N_number_density: Nitrogen number density [1 / m³].
  • N2_number_density: N₂ number density [1 / m³].
  • O_number_density: Oxygen number density [1 / m³].
  • aO_number_density: Anomalous Oxygen number density [1 / m³].
  • O2_number_density: O₂ number density [1 / m³].
  • H_number_density: Hydrogen number density [1 / m³].
  • He_number_density: Helium number density [1 / m³].
  • Ar_number_density: Argon number density [1 / m³].


Anomalous oxygen is defined as hot atomic oxygen or ionized oxygen that can become appreciable at high altitudes (> 500 km) for some ranges of inputs, thereby affection drag on satellites and debris. We group these species under the term Anomalous Oxygen, since their individual variations are not presently separable with the drag data used to define this model component.

_ccor2(alt::T, r::T, h₁::T, zh::T, h₂::T) where T<:Number -> T

Compute the O and O₂ chemistry / dissociation correction for MSIS models.


  • h::Number: Altitude.
  • r::Number: Target ration.
  • h₁::Number: Transition scale length.
  • zh::Number: Altitude of 1/2 r.
  • h₂::Number: Transition scale length 2.
_densm(h::T, d0::T, xm::T, tz::T, r_lat::T, g_lat::T, tn2::NTuple{N2, T}, tgn2::NTuple{2, T}, tn3::NTuple{N3, T}, tgn3::NTuple{2, T}) where {N2<:Interger, N3<:Integer, T<:Number} -> float(T), float(T)

Compute the temperature and density profiles for the lower atmosphere.


This function returns the density if xm is not 0, or the temperature otherwise.


  • h::T: Altitude [km].
  • d₀::T: Reference density, returned if h > _ZN2[1].
  • xm::T: Species molecular weight [ ].
  • g_lat::T: Reference gravity at desired latitude [cm / s²].
  • r_lat::T: Reference radius at desired latitude [km].
  • tn2::NTuple{N2, T}: Temperature at the nodes for ZN2 scale [K].
  • tgn2::NTuple{N2, T}: Temperature gradients at the end nodes for ZN2 scale.
  • tn3::NTuple{N3, T}: Temperature at the nodes for ZN3 scale [K].
  • tgn3::NTuple{N3, T}: Temperature gradients at the end nodes for ZN3 scale.


  • T: Density [1 / cm³] is xm is not 0, or the temperature [K] otherwise.
_densu(h::T, dlb::T, tinf::T, tlb::T, xm::T, α::T, zlb::T, s2::T, g_lat::T, r_lat::T, tn1::NTuple{5, T}, tgn1::NTuple{2, T}) where T<:Number -> T, NTuple{5, T}, NTuple{2, T}

Compute the density [1 / cm³] or temperature [K] profiles according to the new lower thermo polynomial.


This function returns the density if xm is not 0, or the temperature otherwise.


  • h::T: Altitude [km].
  • dlb::T: Density at lower boundary [1 / cm³].
  • tinf::T: Exospheric temperature [K].
  • tlb::T: Temperature at lower boundary [K].
  • xm::T: Species molecular weight [ ].
  • α::T: Thermal diffusion coefficient.
  • zlb::T: Altitude at lower boundary [km].
  • s2::T: Slope.
  • g_lat::T: Reference gravity at the latitude [cm / s²].
  • r_lat::T: Reference radius at the latitude [km].
  • tn1::NTuple{5, T}: Temperature at nodes for ZN1 scale [K].
  • tgn1::NTuple{2, T}: Temperature gradients at end nodes for ZN1 scale.


  • T: Density [1 / cm³] is xm is not 0, or the temperature [K] otherwise.
  • NTuple{5, T}: Updated tn1.
  • NTuple{2, T}: Updated tgn1.

_dnet(dd::T, dm::T, zhm::T, xmm::T, xm::T) where T<:Number -> T

Compute the turbopause correction for MSIS models, returning the combined density.


  • dd::T: Diffusive density.
  • dm::T: Full mixed density.
  • zhm::T: Transition scale length.
  • xmm::T: Full mixed molecular weight.
  • xm::T: Species molecular weight.
_globe7(nrlmsise00d::Nrlmsise00Structure{T}, p::AbstractVector{T}) where T<:Number -> Nrlmsise00Structure{T}, T

Compute the function G(L) with upper thermosphere parameters p and the NRLMSISE-00 structure nrlmsise00.


The variables apt and apdf inside nrlmsise00d can be modified inside this function.


  • Nrlmsise00Structure{T}: Modified structure nrlmsise00d.
  • T: Result of G(L).
_gtd7(nrlmsise00d::Nrlmsise00Structure{T}) where T<:Number -> Nrlmsise00Structure{T}, Nrlmsise00Output{T}

Compute the temperatures and densities using the information inside the structure nrlmsise00d without including the anomalous oxygen in the total density.


  • Nrlmsise00Structure{T}: Modified structure nrlmsise00d.
  • Nrlmsise00Output{T}: Structure with the output information.
_gtd7d(nrlmsise00d::Nrlmsise00Structure{T}) where T<:Number -> Nrlmsise00Structure{T}, Nrlmsise00Output{T}

Compute the temperatures and densities using the information inside the structure nrlmsise00d including the anomalous oxygen in the total density.


  • Nrlmsise00Structure{T}: Modified structure nrlmsise00d.
  • Nrlmsise00Output{T}: Structure with the output information.
_gts7(nrlmsise00d::Nrlmsise00Structure{T}) where T<:Number -> Nrlmsise00Structure{T}, Nrlmsise00Output{T}

Compute the temperatures and densities using the information inside the structure nrlmsise00d and including the anomalous oxygen in the total density for altitudes higher than 72.5 km (thermospheric portion of NRLMSISE-00).


  • Nrlmsise00Structure{T}: Modified structure nrlmsise00d.
  • Nrlmsise00Output{T}: Structure with the output information.
_scale_height(h::T, xm::T, temp::T, g_lat::T, r_lat::T) where T<:Number -> T

Compute the scale height.


  • h::T: Altitude [km].
  • xm::T: Species molecular weight [ ].
  • temp::T: Temperature [K].
  • g_lat::T: Reference gravity at desired latitude [cm / s²].
  • r_lat::T: Reference radius at desired latitude [km].
_spline(x::NTuple{N, T}, y::NTuple{N, T}, ∂²y::NTuple{N, T}, xᵢ::T) where {N, T<:Number} -> float(T)

Compute the interpolation of the cubic spline y(x) with second derivatives ∂²y at xᵢ.


This function was adapted from Numerical Recipes.


  • x::NTuple{N, T}: X components of the tabulated function in ascending order.
  • y::NTuple{N, T}: Y components of the tabulated function evaluated at x.
  • ∂²y::NTuple{N, T}: Second derivatives of y(x) ∂²y/∂x² evaluated at x.
  • xᵢ::T: Point to compute the interpolation.
_spline_∂²(x::NTuple{N, T}, y::NTuple{N, T}, ∂²y₁::T, ∂²yₙ::T) where {N, T<:Number} -> NTuple{N, T}

Compute the 2nd derivatives of the cubic spline interpolation y(x) given the 2nd derivatives at x[1] (∂²y₁) and at x[N] (∂²yₙ). This functions return a tuple with the evaluated 2nd derivatives at each point in x.


This function was adapted from Numerical Recipes.


Values higher than 0.99e30 in the 2nd derivatives at the borders (∂²y₁ and ∂²yₙ) are interpreted as 0.


  • x::NTuple{N, T}: X components of the tabulated function in ascending order.
  • y::NTuple{N, T}: Y components of the tabulated function evaluated at x.
  • ∂²y₁::T: Second derivative of y(x) ∂²y/∂x² evaluated at x[1].
  • ∂²yₙ::T: Second derivative of y(x) ∂²y/∂x² evaluated at x[N].
_spline_∫(x::NTuple{N, T}, y::NTuple{N, T}, ∂²y::NTuple{N, T}, xf::Number) where {N, T<:Number} -> float(T)

Compute the integral of the cubic spline function y(x) from x[1] to xf, where the function second derivatives evaluated at x are ∂²y.


  • x::NTuple{N, T}: X components of the tabulated function in ascending order.
  • y::NTuple{N, T}: Y components of the tabulated function evaluated at x.
  • ∂²y::NTuple{N, T}: Second derivatives of y(x) ∂²y/∂x² evaluated at x.
  • xf::Number: Abscissa endpoint for integration.
exponential(h::Number) -> Float64

Compute the atmospheric density [kg / m³] at the altitude h [m] above the ellipsoid using the exponential atmospheric model:

                ┌            ┐
                │    h - h₀  │
ρ(h) = ρ₀ . exp │ - ──────── │ ,
                │      H     │
                └            ┘

in which ρ₀, h₀, and H are parameters obtained from tables that depend only on h.

jb2008(instant::DateTime, ϕ_gd::Number, λ::Number, h::Number[, F10::Number, F10ₐ::Number, S10::Number, S10ₐ::Number, M10::Number, M10ₐ::Number, Y10::Number, Y10ₐ::Number, DstΔTc::Number]) -> JB2008Output{Float64}
jb2008(jd::Number, ϕ_gd::Number, λ::Number, h::Number[, F10::Number, F10ₐ::Number, S10::Number, S10ₐ::Number, M10::Number, M10ₐ::Number, Y10::Number, Y10ₐ::Number, DstΔTc::Number]) -> JB2008Output{Float64}

Compute the atmospheric density using the Jacchia-Bowman 2008 (JB2008) model.

This model is a product of the Space Environment Technologies, please, refer to the following website for more information:

If we omit all space indices, the system tries to obtain them automatically for the selected day jd or instant. However, the indices must be already initialized using the function SpaceIndices.init().


  • jd::Number: Julian day to compute the model.
  • instant::DateTime: Instant to compute the model represent using DateTime.
  • ϕ_gd: Geodetic latitude [rad].
  • λ: Longitude [rad].
  • h: Altitude [m].
  • F10: 10.7-cm solar flux [sfu] obtained 1 day before jd.
  • F10ₐ: 10.7-cm averaged solar flux using a 81-day window centered on input time obtained 1 day before jd.
  • S10: EUV index (26-34 nm) scaled to F10.7 obtained 1 day before jd.
  • S10ₐ: EUV 81-day averaged centered index obtained 1 day before jd.
  • M10: MG2 index scaled to F10.7 obtained 2 days before jd.
  • M10ₐ: MG2 81-day averaged centered index obtained 2 day before jd.
  • Y10: Solar X-ray & Ly-α index scaled to F10.7 obtained 5 days before jd.
  • Y10ₐ: Solar X-ray & Ly-α 81-day averaged centered index obtained 5 days before jd.
  • DstΔTc: Temperature variation related to the Dst.


  • JB2008Output{Float64}: Structure containing the results obtained from the model.
jr1971(instant::DateTime, ϕ_gd::Number, λ::Number, h::Number[, F10::Number, F10ₐ::Number, Kp::Number]) -> JR1971Output{Float64}
jr1971(jd::Number, ϕ_gd::Number, λ::Number, h::Number[, F10::Number, F10ₐ::Number, Kp::Number]) -> JR1971Output{Float64}

Compute the atmospheric density using the Jacchia-Roberts 1971 model.

If we omit all space indices, the system tries to obtain them automatically for the selected day jd or instant. However, the indices must be already initialized using the function SpaceIndices.init().


  • jd::Number: Julian day to compute the model.
  • instant::DateTime: Instant to compute the model represent using DateTime.
  • ϕ_gd::Number: Geodetic latitude [rad].
  • λ::Number: Longitude [rad].
  • h::Number: Altitude [m].
  • F10::Number: 10.7-cm solar flux [sfu].
  • F10ₐ::Number: 10.7-cm averaged solar flux, 81-day centered on input time [sfu].
  • Kp::Number: Kp geomagnetic index with a delay of 3 hours.


  • JR1971Output{Float64}: Structure containing the results obtained from the model.
nrlmsise00(instant::DateTime, h::Number, ϕ_gd::Number, λ::Number[, F10ₐ::Number, F10::Number, ap::Union{Number, AbstractVector}]; kwargs...) -> Nrlmsise00Output{Float64}
nrlmsise00(jd::Number, h::Number, ϕ_gd::Number, λ::Number[, F10ₐ::Number, F10::Number, ap::Union{Number, AbstractVector}]; kwargs...) -> Nrlmsise00Output{Float64}

Compute the atmospheric density using the NRLMSISE-00 model.

If we omit all space indices, the system tries to obtain them automatically for the selected day jd or instant. However, the indices must be already initialized using the function SpaceIndices.init().


  • instant::DateTime: Instant to compute the model represent using DateTime.
  • jd::Number: Julian day to compute the model.
  • h::Number: Altitude [m].
  • ϕ_gd::Number: Geodetic latitude [rad].
  • λ::Number: Longitude [rad].
  • F10ₐ::Number: 10.7-cm averaged solar flux, 90-day centered on input time [sfu].
  • F10::Number: 10.7-cm solar flux [sfu].
  • ap::Union{Number, AbstractVector}: Magnetic index, see the section AP for more information.


  • flags::Nrlmsise00Flags: A list of flags to configure the model. For more information, see [Nrlmsise00Flags]@(ref). (Default = Nrlmsise00Flags())
  • include_anomalous_oxygen::Bool: If true, the anomalous oxygen density will be included in the total density computation. (Default = true)
  • P::Union{Nothing, Matrix}: If the user passes a matrix with dimensions equal to or greater than 8 × 4, it will be used when computing the Legendre associated functions, reducing allocations and improving the performance. If it is nothing, the matrix is allocated inside the function. (Default nothing)


  • Nrlmsise00Output{Float64}: Structure containing the results obtained from the model.


The input variable ap contains the magnetic index. It can be a Number or an AbstractVector.

If ap is a number, it must contain the daily magnetic index.

If ap is an AbstractVector, it must be a vector with 7 dimensions as described below:

1Daily AP.
23 hour AP index for current time.
33 hour AP index for 3 hours before current time.
43 hour AP index for 6 hours before current time.
53 hour AP index for 9 hours before current time.
6Average of eight 3 hour AP indices from 12 to 33 hours prior to current time.
7Average of eight 3 hour AP indices from 36 to 57 hours prior to current time.

Extended Help

  1. The densities of O, H, and N are set to 0 below 72.5 km.
  2. The exospheric temperature is set to global average for altitudes below 120 km. The 120 km gradient is left at global average value for altitudes below 72.5 km.
  3. Anomalous oxygen is defined as hot atomic oxygen or ionized oxygen that can become appreciable at high altitudes (> 500 km) for some ranges of inputs, thereby affection drag on satellites and debris. We group these species under the term Anomalous Oxygen, since their individual variations are not presently separable with the drag data used to define this model component.

Notes on Input Variables

F10 and F10ₐ values used to generate the model correspond to the 10.7 cm radio flux at the actual distance of the Earth from the Sun rather than the radio flux at 1 AU. The following site provides both classes of values:

F10, F10ₐ, and ap effects are neither large nor well established below 80 km and these parameters should be set to 150, 150, and 4 respectively.

If include_anomalous_oxygen is false, the total_density field in the output is the sum of the mass densities of the species He, O, N₂, O₂, Ar, H, and N, but does not include anomalous oxygen.

If include_anomalous_oxygen is false, the total_density field in the output is the effective total mass density for drag and is the sum of the mass densities of all species in this model including the anomalous oxygen.
