julia> using SatelliteToolboxGravityModels
We can initialize a gravity model using the function:
load(::Type{T}, args...; kwargs...) where T<:AbstractGravityModel -> T
where the arguments and keywords depend on the gravity model type T
. For ICGEM files, we must use T = IcgemFile
and the following signature:
GravityModels.load(::Type{IcgemFile}, filename::AbstractString, T::DataType = Float64)
where it loads the ICGEM file in the path filename
converting the coefficients to the type T
We also provide a function to help downloading the ICGEM files:
fetch_icgem_file(url::AbstractString; kwargs...)
fetch_icgem_file(model::Symbol; kwargs...)
It fetches a ICGEM file from the url
and return its file path to be parsed with the function GravityModels.load
. If the file already exists, it will not be re-downloaded unless the keyword force = true
is passed.
Notice that the functions downloads the files to a scratch space.
A symbol can be passed instead the URL to fetch pre-configured gravity field models. The supported values are:
: Earth Gravitational Model from 1996.:EGM2008
: Earth Gravitational Model from 2008.:JGM2
: Joint Gravity Model 2.:JGM3
: Joint Gravity Model 3.
Finally, we can initialize, for example, the EGM96 model using:
julia> egm96 = GravityModels.load(IcgemFile, fetch_icgem_file(:EGM96))
IcgemFile{Float64}: Product type : gravity_field Model name : EGM96 Gravity constant : 3.986004415e14 Radius : 6.3781363e6 Maximum degree : 360 Errors : formal Tide system : tide_free Norm : fully_normalized Data type : Float64
Gravitational Field Derivative
The following function:
gravitational_field_derivative(model::AbstractGravityModel{T}, r::AbstractVector, time::DateTime = DateTime("2000-01-01"); kwargs...) where T<:Number -> NTuple{3, T}
computes the gravitational field derivative [SI] with respect to the spherical coordinates:
\[\frac{\partial U}{\partial r},~ \frac{\partial U}{\partial \phi},~ \frac{\partial U}{\partial \lambda},~\]
using the model
in the position r
[m], represented in ITRF, at instant time
. If the latter argument is omitted, the J2000.0 epoch is used.
In this case, $\phi$ is the geocentric latitude and $\lambda$ is the longitude.
The following keywords are available:
: Maximum degree used in the spherical harmonics when computing the gravitational field derivative. If it is higher than the available number of coefficients in themodel
, it will be clamped. If it is lower than 0, it will be set to the maximum degree available. (Default = -1)max_order::Int
: Maximum order used in the spherical harmonics when computing the gravitational field derivative. If it is higher thanmax_degree
, it will be clamped. If it is lower than 0, it will be set to the same value asmax_degree
. (Default = -1)P::Union{Nothing, AbstractMatrix}
: An optional matrix that must contain at leastmax_degree + 1 × max_degree + 1
real numbers that will be used to store the Legendre coefficients, reducing the allocations. If it isnothing
, the matrix will be created when calling the function. (Default =nothing
)dP::Union{Nothing, AbstractMatrix}
: An optional matrix that must contain at leastmax_degree + 1 × max_degree + 1
real numbers that will be used to store the Legendre derivative coefficients, reducing the allocations. If it isnothing
, the matrix will be created when calling the function. (Default =nothing
julia> GravityModels.gravitational_field_derivative(egm96, [6378.137e3, 0, 0])
(-9.814284376497435, 49.45906319417034, -115.71285105900459)
Gravitational Acceleration
The gravitational acceleration is the acceleration caused by the central body mass only, i.e., without considering the centrifugal potential. We can compute it using the function:
gravitational_acceleration(model::AbstractGravityModel{T}, r::AbstractVector, time::DateTime = DateTime("2000-01-01"); kwargs...) where T<:Number -> NTuple{3, T}
where it returns the gravitational field acceleration [m / s²] represented in ITRF using the model
in the position r
[m], also represented in ITRF, at instant time
. If the latter argument is omitted, the J2000.0 epoch is used.
The following keywords are available:
: Maximum degree used in the spherical harmonics when computing the gravitational field derivative. If it is higher than the available number of coefficients in themodel
, it will be clamped. If it is lower than 0, it will be set to the maximum degree available. (Default = -1)max_order::Int
: Maximum order used in the spherical harmonics when computing the gravitational field derivative. If it is higher thanmax_degree
, it will be clamped. If it is lower than 0, it will be set to the same value asmax_degree
. (Default = -1)P::Union{Nothing, AbstractMatrix}
: An optional matrix that must contain at leastmax_degree + 1 × max_degree + 1
real numbers that will be used to store the Legendre coefficients, reducing the allocations. If it isnothing
, the matrix will be created when calling the function. (Default =nothing
)dP::Union{Nothing, AbstractMatrix}
: An optional matrix that must contain at leastmax_degree + 1 × max_degree + 1
real numbers that will be used to store the Legendre derivative coefficients, reducing the allocations. If it isnothing
, the matrix will be created when calling the function. (Default =nothing
julia> GravityModels.gravitational_acceleration(egm96, [6378.137e3, 0, 0])
3-element StaticArraysCore.SVector{3, Float64} with indices SOneTo(3): -9.814284376497435 -1.814210812013047e-5 7.754468615862334e-6
Gravity Acceleration
The gravity acceleration is the compound acceleration caused by the central body mass and the centrifugal force due to the planet's rotation. We can compute it using the function:
gravity_acceleration(model::AbstractGravityModel{T}, r::AbstractVector, time::DateTime = DateTime("2000-01-01"); kwargs...) where T<:Number -> NTuple{3, T}
where it computes the gravity acceleration [m / s²] represented in ITRF using the model
in the position r
[m], also represented in ITRF, at instant time
. If the latter argument is omitted, the J2000.0 epoch is used.
The following keywords are available:
: Maximum degree used in the spherical harmonics when computing the gravitational field derivative. If it is higher than the available number of coefficients in themodel
, it will be clamped. If it is lower than 0, it will be set to the maximum degree available. (Default = -1)max_order::Int
: Maximum order used in the spherical harmonics when computing the gravitational field derivative. If it is higher thanmax_degree
, it will be clamped. If it is lower than 0, it will be set to the same value asmax_degree
. (Default = -1)P::Union{Nothing, AbstractMatrix}
: An optional matrix that must contain at leastmax_degree + 1 × max_degree + 1
real numbers that will be used to store the Legendre coefficients, reducing the allocations. If it isnothing
, the matrix will be created when calling the function. (Default =nothing
)dP::Union{Nothing, AbstractMatrix}
: An optional matrix that must contain at leastmax_degree + 1 × max_degree + 1
real numbers that will be used to store the Legendre derivative coefficients, reducing the allocations. If it isnothing
, the matrix will be created when calling the function. (Default =nothing
Thus, we can compute the gravity acceleration in Equator using the EGM96 model by:
julia> egm96 = GravityModels.load(IcgemFile, fetch_icgem_file(:EGM96));
Whereas we can obtain the gravity acceleration at the poles by:
julia> GravityModels.gravitational_acceleration(egm96, [0, 0, 6356.7523e3])
3-element StaticArraysCore.SVector{3, Float64} with indices SOneTo(3): -6.12152785935481e-5 0.0 -9.83208158872835