
Documentation for SatelliteToolboxPropagators.jl.

struct J2PropagatorConstants{T<:Number}

Constants for the J2 orbit propagator.


  • R0::T: Earth equatorial radius [m].
  • μm::T: √(GM / R0^3) [er/s]^(3/2).
  • J2::T: The second gravitational zonal harmonic of the Earth.
struct J4PropagatorConstants{T<:Number}

Constants for the J4 orbit propagator.


  • R0::T: Earth equatorial radius [m].
  • μm::T: √(GM / R0^3) [er/s]^(3/2).
  • J2::T: The second gravitational zonal harmonic of the Earth.
  • J4::T: The fourth gravitational zonal harmonic of the Earth.
Propagators.fit_mean_elements!(orbp::OrbitPropagatorJ2, vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_i::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_i::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) where {Tjd<:Number, Tv<:AbstractVector}

Fit a set of mean Keplerian elements for the J2 orbit propagator orbp using the osculating elements represented by a set of position vectors vr_i [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_i [m / s] represented in an inertial reference frame at instants in the array vjd [Julian Day].


The orbit propagator orbp will be initialized with the Keplerian elements returned by the function.


  • atol::Number: Tolerance for the residue absolute value. If the residue is lower than atol at any iteration, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • rtol::Number: Tolerance for the relative difference between the residues. If the relative difference between the residues in two consecutive iterations is lower than rtol, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • initial_guess::Union{Nothing, KeplerianElements}: Initial guess for the mean elements fitting process. If it is nothing, the algorithm will obtain an initial estimate from the osculating elements in vr_i and vv_i. (Default = nothing)
  • jacobian_perturbation::Number: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference when calculating the Jacobian matrix. (Default = 1e-3)
  • jacobian_perturbation_tol::Number: Tolerance to accept the perturbation when calculating the Jacobian matrix. If the computed perturbation is lower than jacobian_perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than jacobian_perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
  • max_iterations::Int: Maximum number of iterations allowed for the least-square fitting. (Default = 50)
  • mean_elements_epoch::Number: Epoch for the fitted mean elements. (Default = vjd[end])
  • verbose::Bool: If true, the algorithm prints debugging information to stdout. (Default = true)
  • weight_vector::AbstractVector: Vector with the measurements weights for the least-square algorithm. We assemble the weight matrix W as a diagonal matrix with the elements in weight_vector at its diagonal. (Default = @SVector(ones(Bool, 6)))


  • KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Fitted Keplerian elements.
  • SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}: Final covariance matrix of the least-square algorithm.
Propagators.fit_mean_elements!(orbp::OrbitPropagatorJ2Osculating, vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_i::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_i::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) where {Tjd<:Number, Tv<:AbstractVector}

Fit a set of mean Keplerian elements for the J2 osculating orbit propagator orbp using the osculating elements represented by a set of position vectors vr_i [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_i [m / s] represented in an inertial reference frame at instants in the array vjd [Julian Day].


The orbit propagator orbp will be initialized with the Keplerian elements returned by the function.


  • atol::Number: Tolerance for the residue absolute value. If the residue is lower than atol at any iteration, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • rtol::Number: Tolerance for the relative difference between the residues. If the relative difference between the residues in two consecutive iterations is lower than rtol, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • initial_guess::Union{Nothing, KeplerianElements}: Initial guess for the mean elements fitting process. If it is nothing, the algorithm will obtain an initial estimate from the osculating elements in vr_i and vv_i. (Default = nothing)
  • jacobian_perturbation::Number: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference when calculating the Jacobian matrix. (Default = 1e-3)
  • jacobian_perturbation_tol::Number: Tolerance to accept the perturbation when calculating the Jacobian matrix. If the computed perturbation is lower than jacobian_perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than jacobian_perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
  • max_iterations::Int: Maximum number of iterations allowed for the least-square fitting. (Default = 50)
  • mean_elements_epoch::Number: Epoch for the fitted mean elements. (Default = vjd[end])
  • verbose::Bool: If true, the algorithm prints debugging information to stdout. (Default = true)
  • weight_vector::AbstractVector: Vector with the measurements weights for the least-square algorithm. We assemble the weight matrix W as a diagonal matrix with the elements in weight_vector at its diagonal. (Default = @SVector(ones(Bool, 6)))


  • KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Fitted Keplerian elements.
  • SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}: Final covariance matrix of the least-square algorithm.
Propagators.fit_mean_elements!(orbp::OrbitPropagatorJ4, vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_i::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_i::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) where {Tjd<:Number, Tv<:AbstractVector}

Fit a set of mean Keplerian elements for the J4 orbit propagator orbp using the osculating elements represented by a set of position vectors vr_i [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_i [m / s] represented in an inertial reference frame at instants in the array vjd [Julian Day].


The orbit propagator orbp will be initialized with the Keplerian elements returned by the function.


  • atol::Number: Tolerance for the residue absolute value. If the residue is lower than atol at any iteration, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • rtol::Number: Tolerance for the relative difference between the residues. If the relative difference between the residues in two consecutive iterations is lower than rtol, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • initial_guess::Union{Nothing, KeplerianElements}: Initial guess for the mean elements fitting process. If it is nothing, the algorithm will obtain an initial estimate from the osculating elements in vr_i and vv_i. (Default = nothing)
  • jacobian_perturbation::Number: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference when calculating the Jacobian matrix. (Default = 1e-3)
  • jacobian_perturbation_tol::Number: Tolerance to accept the perturbation when calculating the Jacobian matrix. If the computed perturbation is lower than jacobian_perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than jacobian_perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
  • max_iterations::Int: Maximum number of iterations allowed for the least-square fitting. (Default = 50)
  • mean_elements_epoch::Number: Epoch for the fitted mean elements. (Default = vjd[end])
  • verbose::Bool: If true, the algorithm prints debugging information to stdout. (Default = true)
  • weight_vector::AbstractVector: Vector with the measurements weights for the least-square algorithm. We assemble the weight matrix W as a diagonal matrix with the elements in weight_vector at its diagonal. (Default = @SVector(ones(Bool, 6)))


  • KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Fitted Keplerian elements.
  • SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}: Final covariance matrix of the least-square algorithm.
Propagators.fit_mean_elements!(orbp::OrbitPropagatorJ4Osculating, vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_i::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_i::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) where {Tjd<:Number, Tv<:AbstractVector}

Fit a set of mean Keplerian elements for the J4 osculating orbit propagator orbp using the osculating elements represented by a set of position vectors vr_i [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_i [m / s] represented in an inertial reference frame at instants in the array vjd [Julian Day].


The orbit propagator orbp will be initialized with the Keplerian elements returned by the function.


  • atol::Number: Tolerance for the residue absolute value. If the residue is lower than atol at any iteration, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • rtol::Number: Tolerance for the relative difference between the residues. If the relative difference between the residues in two consecutive iterations is lower than rtol, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • initial_guess::Union{Nothing, KeplerianElements}: Initial guess for the mean elements fitting process. If it is nothing, the algorithm will obtain an initial estimate from the osculating elements in vr_i and vv_i. (Default = nothing)
  • jacobian_perturbation::Number: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference when calculating the Jacobian matrix. (Default = 1e-3)
  • jacobian_perturbation_tol::Number: Tolerance to accept the perturbation when calculating the Jacobian matrix. If the computed perturbation is lower than jacobian_perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than jacobian_perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
  • max_iterations::Int: Maximum number of iterations allowed for the least-square fitting. (Default = 50)
  • mean_elements_epoch::Number: Epoch for the fitted mean elements. (Default = vjd[end])
  • verbose::Bool: If true, the algorithm prints debugging information to stdout. (Default = true)
  • weight_vector::AbstractVector: Vector with the measurements weights for the least-square algorithm. We assemble the weight matrix W as a diagonal matrix with the elements in weight_vector at its diagonal. (Default = @SVector(ones(Bool, 6)))


  • KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Fitted Keplerian elements.
  • SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}: Final covariance matrix of the least-square algorithm.
Propagators.fit_mean_elements!(orbp::OrbitPropagatorSgp4, vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_teme::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_teme::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) where {Tjd<:Number, Tv<:AbstractVector}

Fit a Two-Line Element set (TLE) for the SGP4 orbit propagator orbp using the osculating elements represented by a set of position vectors vr_teme [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_teme [m / s] represented in the True-Equator, Mean-Equinox reference frame (TEME) at instants in the array vjd [Julian Day].

This algorithm was based on [1].


The SGP4 orbit propagator orbp will be initialized with the TLE returned by the function.


  • atol::Number: Tolerance for the residue absolute value. If the residue is lower than atol at any iteration, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • rtol::Number: Tolerance for the relative difference between the residues. If the relative difference between the residues in two consecutive iterations is lower than rtol, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • estimate_bstar::Bool: If true, the algorithm will try to estimate the B* parameter. Otherwise, it will be set to 0 or to the value in initial guess (see section Initial Guess). (Default = true)
  • initial_guess::Union{Nothing, AbstractVector, TLE}: Initial guess for the TLE fitting process. If it is nothing, the algorithm will obtain an initial estimate from the osculating elements in vr_teme and vv_teme. For more information, see the section Initial Guess. (Default = nothing)
  • jacobian_perturbation::Number: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference when calculating the Jacobian matrix. (Default = 1e-3)
  • jacobian_perturbation_tol::Number: Tolerance to accept the perturbation when calculating the Jacobian matrix. If the computed perturbation is lower than jacobian_perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than jacobian_perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
  • max_iterations::Int: Maximum number of iterations allowed for the least-square fitting. (Default = 50)
  • mean_elements_epoch::Number: Epoch for the fitted TLE. (Default = vjd[end])
  • verbose::Bool: If true, the algorithm prints debugging information to stdout. (Default = true)
  • weight_vector::AbstractVector: Vector with the measurements weights for the least-square algorithm. We assemble the weight matrix W as a diagonal matrix with the elements in weight_vector at its diagonal. (Default = @SVector(ones(Bool, 6)))
  • classification::Char: Satellite classification character for the output TLE. (Default = 'U')
  • element_set_number::Int: Element set number for the output TLE. (Default = 0)
  • international_designator::String: International designator string for the output TLE. (Default = "999999")
  • name::String: Satellite name for the output TLE. (Default = "UNDEFINED")
  • revolution_number::Int: Revolution number for the output TLE. (Default = 0)
  • satellite_number::Int: Satellite number for the output TLE. (Default = 9999)


  • TLE: The fitted TLE.
  • SMatrix{7, 7, T}: Final covariance matrix of the least-square algorithm.

Initial Guess

This algorithm uses a least-square algorithm to fit a TLE based on a set of osculating state vectors. Since the system is chaotic, a good initial guess is paramount for algorithm convergence. We can provide an initial guess using the keyword initial_guess.

If initial_guess is a TLE, we update the TLE epoch using the function update_sgp4_tle_epoch! to the desired one in mean_elements_epoch. Afterward, we use this new TLE as the initial guess.

If initial_guess is an AbstractVector, we use this vector as the initial mean state vector for the algorithm. It must contain 7 elements as follows:

┌                                    ┐
│ IDs 1 to 3: Mean position [km]     │
│ IDs 4 to 6: Mean velocity [km / s] │
│ ID  7:      Bstar         [1 / er] │
└                                    ┘

If initial_guess is nothing, the algorithm takes the closest osculating state vector to the mean_elements_epoch and uses it as the initial mean state vector. In this case, the epoch is set to the same epoch of the osculating data in vjd. When the fitted TLE is obtained, the algorithm uses the function update_sgp4_tle_epoch! to change its epoch to mean_elements_epoch.


If initial_guess is not nothing, the B* initial estimate is obtained from the TLE or the state vector. Hence, if estimate_bstar is false, it will be kept constant with this initial value.


  • [1] Vallado, D. A., Crawford, P (2008). SGP4 Orbit Determination. American Institute of Aeronautics ans Astronautics.
Propagators.fit_mean_elements(::Val{:J2osc}, vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_i::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_i::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) -> KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}, SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}

Fit a set of mean Keplerian elements for the J2 osculating orbit propagator using the osculating elements represented by a set of position vectors vr_i [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_i [m / s] represented in an inertial reference frame at instants in the array vjd [Julian Day].


This algorithm version will allocate a new J2 osculating propagator with the default constants j2c_egm2008. If another set of constants are required, use the function Propagators.fit_mean_elements! instead.


  • atol::Number: Tolerance for the residue absolute value. If the residue is lower than atol at any iteration, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • rtol::Number: Tolerance for the relative difference between the residues. If the relative difference between the residues in two consecutive iterations is lower than rtol, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • initial_guess::Union{Nothing, KeplerianElements}: Initial guess for the mean elements fitting process. If it is nothing, the algorithm will obtain an initial estimate from the osculating elements in vr_i and vv_i. (Default = nothing)
  • jacobian_perturbation::Number: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference when calculating the Jacobian matrix. (Default = 1e-3)
  • jacobian_perturbation_tol::Number: Tolerance to accept the perturbation when calculating the Jacobian matrix. If the computed perturbation is lower than jacobian_perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than jacobian_perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
  • max_iterations::Int: Maximum number of iterations allowed for the least-square fitting. (Default = 50)
  • mean_elements_epoch::Number: Epoch for the fitted mean elements. (Default = vjd[end])
  • verbose::Bool: If true, the algorithm prints debugging information to stdout. (Default = true)
  • weight_vector::AbstractVector: Vector with the measurements weights for the least-square algorithm. We assemble the weight matrix W as a diagonal matrix with the elements in weight_vector at its diagonal. (Default = @SVector(ones(Bool, 6)))


  • KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Fitted Keplerian elements.
  • SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}: Final covariance matrix of the least-square algorithm.
Propagators.fit_mean_elements(::Val{:J2}, vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_i::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_i::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) -> KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}, SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}

Fit a set of mean Keplerian elements for the J2 orbit propagator using the osculating elements represented by a set of position vectors vr_i [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_i [m / s] represented in an inertial reference frame at instants in the array vjd [Julian Day].


This algorithm version will allocate a new J2 propagator with the default constants j2c_egm2008. If another set of constants are required, use the function Propagators.fit_mean_elements! instead.


  • atol::Number: Tolerance for the residue absolute value. If the residue is lower than atol at any iteration, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • rtol::Number: Tolerance for the relative difference between the residues. If the relative difference between the residues in two consecutive iterations is lower than rtol, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • initial_guess::Union{Nothing, KeplerianElements}: Initial guess for the mean elements fitting process. If it is nothing, the algorithm will obtain an initial estimate from the osculating elements in vr_i and vv_i. (Default = nothing)
  • jacobian_perturbation::Number: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference when calculating the Jacobian matrix. (Default = 1e-3)
  • jacobian_perturbation_tol::Number: Tolerance to accept the perturbation when calculating the Jacobian matrix. If the computed perturbation is lower than jacobian_perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than jacobian_perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
  • max_iterations::Int: Maximum number of iterations allowed for the least-square fitting. (Default = 50)
  • mean_elements_epoch::Number: Epoch for the fitted mean elements. (Default = vjd[end])
  • verbose::Bool: If true, the algorithm prints debugging information to stdout. (Default = true)
  • weight_vector::AbstractVector: Vector with the measurements weights for the least-square algorithm. We assemble the weight matrix W as a diagonal matrix with the elements in weight_vector at its diagonal. (Default = @SVector(ones(Bool, 6)))


  • KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Fitted Keplerian elements.
  • SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}: Final covariance matrix of the least-square algorithm.
Propagators.fit_mean_elements(::Val{:J4osc}, vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_i::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_i::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) -> KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}, SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}

Fit a set of mean Keplerian elements for the J4 osculating orbit propagator using the osculating elements represented by a set of position vectors vr_i [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_i [m / s] represented in an inertial reference frame at instants in the array vjd [Julian Day].


This algorithm version will allocate a new J4 osculating propagator with the default constants j4c_egm2008. If another set of constants are required, use the function Propagators.fit_mean_elements! instead.


  • atol::Number: Tolerance for the residue absolute value. If the residue is lower than atol at any iteration, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • rtol::Number: Tolerance for the relative difference between the residues. If the relative difference between the residues in two consecutive iterations is lower than rtol, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • initial_guess::Union{Nothing, KeplerianElements}: Initial guess for the mean elements fitting process. If it is nothing, the algorithm will obtain an initial estimate from the osculating elements in vr_i and vv_i. (Default = nothing)
  • jacobian_perturbation::Number: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference when calculating the Jacobian matrix. (Default = 1e-3)
  • jacobian_perturbation_tol::Number: Tolerance to accept the perturbation when calculating the Jacobian matrix. If the computed perturbation is lower than jacobian_perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than jacobian_perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
  • max_iterations::Int: Maximum number of iterations allowed for the least-square fitting. (Default = 50)
  • mean_elements_epoch::Number: Epoch for the fitted mean elements. (Default = vjd[end])
  • verbose::Bool: If true, the algorithm prints debugging information to stdout. (Default = true)
  • weight_vector::AbstractVector: Vector with the measurements weights for the least-square algorithm. We assemble the weight matrix W as a diagonal matrix with the elements in weight_vector at its diagonal. (Default = @SVector(ones(Bool, 6)))


  • KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Fitted Keplerian elements.
  • SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}: Final covariance matrix of the least-square algorithm.
Propagators.fit_mean_elements(::Val{:J4}, vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_i::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_i::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) -> KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}, SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}

Fit a set of mean Keplerian elements for the J4 orbit propagator using the osculating elements represented by a set of position vectors vr_i [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_i [m / s] represented in an inertial reference frame at instants in the array vjd [Julian Day].


This algorithm version will allocate a new J4 propagator with the default constants j4c_egm2008. If another set of constants are required, use the function Propagators.fit_mean_elements! instead.


  • atol::Number: Tolerance for the residue absolute value. If the residue is lower than atol at any iteration, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • rtol::Number: Tolerance for the relative difference between the residues. If the relative difference between the residues in two consecutive iterations is lower than rtol, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • initial_guess::Union{Nothing, KeplerianElements}: Initial guess for the mean elements fitting process. If it is nothing, the algorithm will obtain an initial estimate from the osculating elements in vr_i and vv_i. (Default = nothing)
  • jacobian_perturbation::Number: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference when calculating the Jacobian matrix. (Default = 1e-3)
  • jacobian_perturbation_tol::Number: Tolerance to accept the perturbation when calculating the Jacobian matrix. If the computed perturbation is lower than jacobian_perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than jacobian_perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
  • max_iterations::Int: Maximum number of iterations allowed for the least-square fitting. (Default = 50)
  • mean_elements_epoch::Number: Epoch for the fitted mean elements. (Default = vjd[end])
  • verbose::Bool: If true, the algorithm prints debugging information to stdout. (Default = true)
  • weight_vector::AbstractVector: Vector with the measurements weights for the least-square algorithm. We assemble the weight matrix W as a diagonal matrix with the elements in weight_vector at its diagonal. (Default = @SVector(ones(Bool, 6)))


  • KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Fitted Keplerian elements.
  • SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}: Final covariance matrix of the least-square algorithm.
Propagators.fit_mean_elements(::Val{:SGP4}, vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_teme::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_teme::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) -> KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}, SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}

Fit a Two-Line Element set (TLE) for the SGP4 orbit propagator using the osculating elements represented by a set of position vectors vr_teme [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_teme [m / s] represented in the True-Equator, Mean-Equinox reference frame (TEME) at instants in the array vjd [Julian Day].

This algorithm was based on [1].


This algorithm version will allocate a new SGP4 propagator with the default constants sgp4c_wgs84. If another set of constants are required, use the function Propagators.fit_mean_elements! instead.


  • atol::Number: Tolerance for the residue absolute value. If the residue is lower than atol at any iteration, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • rtol::Number: Tolerance for the relative difference between the residues. If the relative difference between the residues in two consecutive iterations is lower than rtol, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • estimate_bstar::Bool: If true, the algorithm will try to estimate the B* parameter. Otherwise, it will be set to 0 or to the value in initial guess (see section Initial Guess). (Default = true)
  • initial_guess::Union{Nothing, AbstractVector, TLE}: Initial guess for the TLE fitting process. If it is nothing, the algorithm will obtain an initial estimate from the osculating elements in vr_teme and vv_teme. For more information, see the section Initial Guess. (Default = nothing)
  • jacobian_perturbation::Number: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference when calculating the Jacobian matrix. (Default = 1e-3)
  • jacobian_perturbation_tol::Number: Tolerance to accept the perturbation when calculating the Jacobian matrix. If the computed perturbation is lower than jacobian_perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than jacobian_perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
  • max_iterations::Int: Maximum number of iterations allowed for the least-square fitting. (Default = 50)
  • mean_elements_epoch::Number: Epoch for the fitted TLE. (Default = vjd[end])
  • verbose::Bool: If true, the algorithm prints debugging information to stdout. (Default = true)
  • weight_vector::AbstractVector: Vector with the measurements weights for the least-square algorithm. We assemble the weight matrix W as a diagonal matrix with the elements in weight_vector at its diagonal. (Default = @SVector(ones(Bool, 6)))
  • classification::Char: Satellite classification character for the output TLE. (Default = 'U')
  • element_set_number::Int: Element set number for the output TLE. (Default = 0)
  • international_designator::String: International designator string for the output TLE. (Default = "999999")
  • name::String: Satellite name for the output TLE. (Default = "UNDEFINED")
  • revolution_number::Int: Revolution number for the output TLE. (Default = 0)
  • satellite_number::Int: Satellite number for the output TLE. (Default = 9999)


  • TLE: The fitted TLE.
  • SMatrix{7, 7, T}: Final covariance matrix of the least-square algorithm.

Initial Guess

This algorithm uses a least-square algorithm to fit a TLE based on a set of osculating state vectors. Since the system is chaotic, a good initial guess is paramount for algorithm convergence. We can provide an initial guess using the keyword initial_guess.

If initial_guess is a TLE, we update the TLE epoch using the function update_sgp4_tle_epoch! to the desired one in mean_elements_epoch. Afterward, we use this new TLE as the initial guess.

If initial_guess is an AbstractVector, we use this vector as the initial mean state vector for the algorithm. It must contain 7 elements as follows:

┌                                    ┐
│ IDs 1 to 3: Mean position [km]     │
│ IDs 4 to 6: Mean velocity [km / s] │
│ ID  7:      Bstar         [1 / er] │
└                                    ┘

If initial_guess is nothing, the algorithm takes the closest osculating state vector to the mean_elements_epoch and uses it as the initial mean state vector. In this case, the epoch is set to the same epoch of the osculating data in vjd. When the fitted TLE is obtained, the algorithm uses the function update_sgp4_tle_epoch! to change its epoch to mean_elements_epoch.


If initial_guess is not nothing, the B* initial estimate is obtained from the TLE or the state vector. Hence, if estimate_bstar is false, it will be kept constant with this initial value.


  • [1] Vallado, D. A., Crawford, P (2008). SGP4 Orbit Determination. American Institute of Aeronautics ans Astronautics.
Propagators.init!(orbp::OrbitPropagatorJ2, orb₀::KeplerianElements) -> Nothing

Initialize the J2 orbit propagator structure orbp using the mean Keplerian elements orb₀ [SI units].


The propagation constants j2c::J2PropagatorConstants in orbp.j2d will not be changed. Hence, they must be initialized.

Propagators.init!(orbp::OrbitPropagatorJ2Osculating, orb₀::KeplerianElements) -> Nothing

Initialize the J2 osculating orbit propagator structure orbp using the mean Keplerian elements orb₀ [SI units].


The propagation constants j2c::J2PropagatorConstants in orbp.j2d will not be changed. Hence, they must be initialized.

Propagators.init!(orbp::OrbitPropagatorJ4, orb₀::KeplerianElements) -> Nothing

Initialize the J4 orbit propagator structure orbp using the mean Keplerian elements orb₀.


The propagation constants j4c::J4PropagatorConstants in j4d will not be changed. Hence, they must be initialized.

Propagators.init!(orbp::OrbitPropagatorJ4Osculating, orb₀::KeplerianElements) -> Nothing

Initialize the J4 osculating orbit propagator structure orbp using the mean Keplerian elements orb₀.


The propagation constants j4c::J4PropagatorConstants in orbp.j4d will not be changed. Hence, they must be initialized.

Propagators.init!(orbp::OrbitPropagatorSgp4, epoch::Number, n₀::Number, e₀::Number, i₀::Number, Ω₀::Number, ω₀::Number, M₀::Number, bstar::Number; kwargs...) -> Nothing
Propagators.init!(orbp::OrbitPropagatorSgp4, tle::TLE; kwargs...) -> Nothing

Initialize the SGP4 orbit propagator structure orbp using the initial orbit specified by the arguments.


The propagation constants sgp4c::Sgp4Constants in orbp.sgp4d will not be changed. Hence, they must be initialized.


  • epoch::Number: Epoch of the orbital elements [Julian Day].
  • n₀::Number: SGP type "mean" mean motion at epoch [rad/s].
  • e₀::Number: "Mean" eccentricity at epoch.
  • i₀::Number: "Mean" inclination at epoch [rad].
  • Ω₀::Number: "Mean" longitude of the ascending node at epoch [rad].
  • ω₀::Number: "Mean" argument of perigee at epoch [rad].
  • M₀::Number: "Mean" mean anomaly at epoch [rad].
  • bstar::Number: Drag parameter (B*).
  • tle::TLE: Two-line elements used for the initialization.
Propagators.init!(orbp::OrbitPropagatorTwoBody, orb₀::KeplerianElements) -> Nothing

Initialize the two-body orbit propagator structure orbp using the mean Keplerian elements orb₀.


The propagation constant m0::Number in tbd will not be changed. Hence, it must be initialized.


  • orb₀::KeplerianElements: Initial mean Keplerian elements [SI units].
Propagators.init(Val(:J2osc), orb₀::KeplerianElements; kwargs...) -> OrbitPropagatorJ2Osculating

Create and initialize the J2 osculating orbit propagator structure using the mean Keplerian elements orb₀ [SI units].


The type used in the propagation will be the same as used to define the constants in the structure j2c.


  • j2c::J2PropagatorConstants: J2 orbit propagator constants (see J2PropagatorConstants). (Default = j2c_egm2008)
Propagators.init(Val(:J2), orb₀::KeplerianElements; kwargs...) -> OrbitPropagatorJ2

Create and initialize the J2 orbit propagator structure using the mean Keplerian elements orb₀ [SI units].


The type used in the propagation will be the same as used to define the constants in the structure j2c.


  • j2c::J2PropagatorConstants: J2 orbit propagator constants (see J2PropagatorConstants). (Default = j2c_egm2008)
Propagators.init(Val(:J4osc), orb₀::KeplerianElements; kwargs...) -> OrbitPropagatorJ4Osculating

Create and initialize the J4 osculating orbit propagator structure using the mean Keplerian elements orb₀.


The type used in the propagation will be the same as used to define the constants in the structure j4c.


  • j4c::J4PropagatorConstants: J4 orbit propagator constants (see J4PropagatorConstants). (Default = j4c_egm2008)
Propagators.init(Val(:J4), orb₀::Orbit; kwargs...) -> OrbitPropagatorJ4

Create and initialize the J4 orbit propagator structure using the mean Keplerian elements orb₀.


The type used in the propagation will be the same as used to define the constants in the structure j4c.


  • j4c::J4PropagatorConstants: J4 orbit propagator constants (see J4PropagatorConstants). (Default = j4c_egm2008)
Propagators.init(Val(:SGP4), epoch::Number, n₀::Number, e₀::Number, i₀::Number, Ω₀::Number, ω₀::Number, M₀::Number, bstar::Number; kwargs...) -> OrbitPropagatorSgp4
Propagators.init(Val(:SGP4), tle::TLE; kwargs...) -> OrbitPropagatorSgp4

Create and initialize the SGP4 orbit propagator structure using the initial orbit specified by the arguments.


The type used in the propagation will be the same as used to define the constants in the structure sgp4c.


  • epoch::Number: Epoch of the orbital elements [Julian Day].
  • n₀::Number: SGP type "mean" mean motion at epoch [rad/s].
  • e₀::Number: "Mean" eccentricity at epoch.
  • i₀::Number: "Mean" inclination at epoch [rad].
  • Ω₀::Number: "Mean" longitude of the ascending node at epoch [rad].
  • ω₀::Number: "Mean" argument of perigee at epoch [rad].
  • M₀::Number: "Mean" mean anomaly at epoch [rad].
  • bstar::Number: Drag parameter (B*).
  • tle::TLE: Two-line elements used for the initialization.


  • sgp4c::Sgp4Constants: SGP4 orbit propagator constants (see Sgp4Constants). (Default = sgp4c_wgs84)
Propagators.init(Val(:TwoBody), orb₀::KeplerianElements; kwargs...) -> OrbitPropagatorTwoBody

Create and initialize the two-body orbit propagator structure using the mean Keplerian elements orb₀.


The type used in the propagation will be the same as used to define the gravitational constant m0.


  • m0::T: Standard gravitational parameter of the central body [m³ / s²]. (Default = tbc_m0)
_j2_jacobian(j2d::J2OsculatingPropagator{Tepoch, T}, Δt::Number, x₁::SVector{6, T}, y₁::SVector{6, T}; kwargs...)) where {T<:Number, Tepoch<:Number} -> SMatrix{6, 6, T}

Compute the J2 orbit propagator Jacobian by finite-differences using the propagator j2d at instant Δt considering the input mean elements x₁ that must provide the output vector y₁. Hence:

    ∂j2(x, Δt) │
J = ────────── │
        ∂x     │ x = x₁


  • perturbation::T: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference: Δx = x * perturbation. (Default = 1e-3)
  • perturbation_tol::T: Tolerance to accept the perturbation. If the computed perturbation is lower than perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
_j2osc_jacobian(j2oscd::J2OsculatingPropagator{Tepoch, T}, Δt::Number, x₁::SVector{6, T}, y₁::SVector{6, T}; kwargs...)) where {T<:Number, Tepoch<:Number} -> SMatrix{6, 6, T}

Compute the J2 osculating orbit propagator Jacobian by finite-differences using the propagator j2oscd at instant Δt considering the input mean elements x₁ that must provide the output vector y₁. Hence:

    ∂j2osc(x, Δt) │
J = ───────────── │
          ∂x      │ x = x₁


  • perturbation::T: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference: Δx = x * perturbation. (Default = 1e-3)
  • perturbation_tol::T: Tolerance to accept the perturbation. If the computed perturbation is lower than perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
_j4_jacobian(j4d::J4OsculatingPropagator{Tepoch, T}, Δt::Number, x₁::SVector{6, T}, y₁::SVector{6, T}; kwargs...)) where {T<:Number, Tepoch<:Number} -> SMatrix{6, 6, T}

Compute the J4 orbit propagator Jacobian by finite-differences using the propagator j4d at instant Δt considering the input mean elements x₁ that must provide the output vector y₁. Hence:

    ∂j4(x, Δt) │
J = ────────── │
        ∂x     │ x = x₁


  • perturbation::T: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference: Δx = x * perturbation. (Default = 1e-3)
  • perturbation_tol::T: Tolerance to accept the perturbation. If the computed perturbation is lower than perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
_j4osc_jacobian(j4oscd::J4OsculatingPropagator{Tepoch, T}, Δt::Number, x₁::SVector{6, T}, y₁::SVector{6, T}; kwargs...)) where {T<:Number, Tepoch<:Number} -> SMatrix{6, 6, T}

Compute the J4 osculating orbit propagator Jacobian by finite-differences using the propagator j4oscd at instant Δt considering the input mean elements x₁ that must provide the output vector y₁. Hence:

    ∂j4osc(x, Δt) │
J = ───────────── │
          ∂x      │ x = x₁


  • perturbation::T: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference: Δx = x * perturbation. (Default = 1e-3)
  • perturbation_tol::T: Tolerance to accept the perturbation. If the computed perturbation is lower than perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
fit_j2_mean_elements!(j2d::J2Propagator{Tepoch, T}, vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_i::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_i::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) where {T<:Number, Tepoch<:Number, Tjd<:Number, Tv<:AbstractVector} -> KeplerianElements{Tepoch, T}, SMatrix{6, 6, T}

Fit a set of mean Keplerian elements for the J2 orbit propagator j2d using the osculating elements represented by a set of position vectors vr_i [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_i [m / s] represented in an inertial reference frame at instants in the array vjd [Julian Day].


The J2 orbit propagator j2d will be initialized with the Keplerian elements returned by the function.


  • atol::Number: Tolerance for the residue absolute value. If the residue is lower than atol at any iteration, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • rtol::Number: Tolerance for the relative difference between the residues. If the relative difference between the residues in two consecutive iterations is lower than rtol, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • initial_guess::Union{Nothing, KeplerianElements}: Initial guess for the mean elements fitting process. If it is nothing, the algorithm will obtain an initial estimate from the osculating elements in vr_i and vv_i. (Default = nothing)
  • jacobian_perturbation::Number: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference when calculating the Jacobian matrix. (Default = 1e-3)
  • jacobian_perturbation_tol::Number: Tolerance to accept the perturbation when calculating the Jacobian matrix. If the computed perturbation is lower than jacobian_perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than jacobian_perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
  • max_iterations::Int: Maximum number of iterations allowed for the least-square fitting. (Default = 50)
  • mean_elements_epoch::Number: Epoch for the fitted mean elements. (Default = vjd[end])
  • verbose::Bool: If true, the algorithm prints debugging information to stdout. (Default = true)
  • weight_vector::AbstractVector: Vector with the measurements weights for the least-square algorithm. We assemble the weight matrix W as a diagonal matrix with the elements in weight_vector at its diagonal. (Default = @SVector(ones(Bool, 6)))


  • KeplerianElements{Tepoch, T}: Fitted Keplerian elements.
  • SMatrix{6, 6, T}: Final covariance matrix of the least-square algorithm.


# Allocate a new J2 orbit propagator using a dummy Keplerian elements.
julia> j2d = j2_init(KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}(0, 7000e3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));

julia> vr_i = [
           [-6792.402703741442, 2192.6458461287293, 0.18851758695295118]  .* 1000,
           [-1781.214419290065, 1619.7795321872854, 6707.771633846665]    .* 1000,
           [ 5693.643675547716, -1192.342828671633, 4123.976025977494]    .* 1000,
           [ 5291.613719530499, -2354.5417593130833, -4175.561367156414]  .* 1000,
           [-2416.3705905186903, -268.74923235392623, -6715.411357310478] .* 1000,
           [-6795.043410709359, 2184.4414321930635, -0.4327055325971031]  .* 1000,

julia> vv_i = [
           [0.3445760107690598, 1.0395135806993514, 7.393686131436984]    .* 1000,
           [6.875680282038698, -1.864319399615942, 2.270603214569518]     .* 1000,
           [3.8964090757666496, -2.1887896252945875, -5.9960180359219075] .* 1000,
           [-4.470258022565413, 0.5119576359985208, -5.9608372367141635]  .* 1000,
           [-6.647358060413909, 2.495415251255861, 2.292118747543002]     .* 1000,
           [0.3427096905434428, 1.040125572862349, 7.3936887585116855]    .* 1000,

julia> vjd = [

julia> orb, P = fit_j2_mean_elements!(j2d, vjd, vr_i, vv_i)
ACTION:   Fitting the mean elements for the J2 propagator.
           Iteration        Position RMSE        Velocity RMSE           Total RMSE       RMSE Variation
                                     [km]             [km / s]                  [ ]
PROGRESS:         23               4.3413           0.00540076              4341.31         -2.90721e-06 %

(KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Epoch = 2.46003e6 (2023-03-24T18:08:40.388), [0.16604846233666615 0.06643574144803302 … -3.85541368066423e-5 0.000124032254172014; 0.0664357414470214 0.26633448262787296 … -1.7943612056596758e-5 -1.9567956793856743e-5; … ; -3.855413680493565e-5 -1.7943612058983507e-5 … 4.3971984339116176e-7 -8.092704691911699e-8; 0.0001240322541726098 -1.9567956793417353e-5 … -8.092704692135158e-8 1.2451922454639337e-7])

julia> orb
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.46003e6 (2023-03-24T18:08:40.388)
 Semi-major axis : 7131.63       km
    Eccentricity :    0.00114299
     Inclination :   98.4366     °
            RAAN :  162.177      °
 Arg. of Perigee :  101.286      °
    True Anomaly :  258.689      °
fit_j2_mean_elements(vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_i::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_i::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) where {Tjd<:Number, Tv<:AbstractVector} -> KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}, SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}

Fit a set of mean Keplerian elements for the J2 orbit propagator using the osculating elements represented by a set of position vectors vr_i [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_i [m / s] represented in an inertial reference frame at instants in the array vjd [Julian Day].


This algorithm version will allocate a new J2 propagator with the default constants j2c_egm2008. If another set of constants are required, use the function fit_j2_mean_elements! instead.


  • atol::Number: Tolerance for the residue absolute value. If the residue is lower than atol at any iteration, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • rtol::Number: Tolerance for the relative difference between the residues. If the relative difference between the residues in two consecutive iterations is lower than rtol, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • initial_guess::Union{Nothing, KeplerianElements}: Initial guess for the mean elements fitting process. If it is nothing, the algorithm will obtain an initial estimate from the osculating elements in vr_i and vv_i. (Default = nothing)
  • jacobian_perturbation::Number: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference when calculating the Jacobian matrix. (Default = 1e-3)
  • jacobian_perturbation_tol::Number: Tolerance to accept the perturbation when calculating the Jacobian matrix. If the computed perturbation is lower than jacobian_perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than jacobian_perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
  • max_iterations::Int: Maximum number of iterations allowed for the least-square fitting. (Default = 50)
  • mean_elements_epoch::Number: Epoch for the fitted mean elements. (Default = vjd[end])
  • verbose::Bool: If true, the algorithm prints debugging information to stdout. (Default = true)
  • weight_vector::AbstractVector: Vector with the measurements weights for the least-square algorithm. We assemble the weight matrix W as a diagonal matrix with the elements in weight_vector at its diagonal. (Default = @SVector(ones(Bool, 6)))


  • KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Fitted Keplerian elements.
  • SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}: Final covariance matrix of the least-square algorithm.


julia> vr_i = [
           [-6792.402703741442, 2192.6458461287293, 0.18851758695295118]  .* 1000,
           [-1781.214419290065, 1619.7795321872854, 6707.771633846665]    .* 1000,
           [ 5693.643675547716, -1192.342828671633, 4123.976025977494]    .* 1000,
           [ 5291.613719530499, -2354.5417593130833, -4175.561367156414]  .* 1000,
           [-2416.3705905186903, -268.74923235392623, -6715.411357310478] .* 1000,
           [-6795.043410709359, 2184.4414321930635, -0.4327055325971031]  .* 1000,

julia> vv_i = [
           [0.3445760107690598, 1.0395135806993514, 7.393686131436984]    .* 1000,
           [6.875680282038698, -1.864319399615942, 2.270603214569518]     .* 1000,
           [3.8964090757666496, -2.1887896252945875, -5.9960180359219075] .* 1000,
           [-4.470258022565413, 0.5119576359985208, -5.9608372367141635]  .* 1000,
           [-6.647358060413909, 2.495415251255861, 2.292118747543002]     .* 1000,
           [0.3427096905434428, 1.040125572862349, 7.3936887585116855]    .* 1000,

julia> vjd = [

julia> orb, P = fit_j2_mean_elements(vjd, vr_i, vv_i)
ACTION:   Fitting the mean elements for the J2 propagator.
           Iteration        Position RMSE        Velocity RMSE           Total RMSE       RMSE Variation
                                     [km]             [km / s]                  [ ]
PROGRESS:         23               4.3413           0.00540076              4341.31         -2.90721e-06 %

(KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Epoch = 2.46003e6 (2023-03-24T18:08:40.388), [0.16604846233666615 0.06643574144803302 … -3.85541368066423e-5 0.000124032254172014; 0.0664357414470214 0.26633448262787296 … -1.7943612056596758e-5 -1.9567956793856743e-5; … ; -3.855413680493565e-5 -1.7943612058983507e-5 … 4.3971984339116176e-7 -8.092704691911699e-8; 0.0001240322541726098 -1.9567956793417353e-5 … -8.092704692135158e-8 1.2451922454639337e-7])

julia> orb
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.46003e6 (2023-03-24T18:08:40.388)
 Semi-major axis : 7131.63       km
    Eccentricity :    0.00114299
     Inclination :   98.4366     °
            RAAN :  162.177      °
 Arg. of Perigee :  101.286      °
    True Anomaly :  258.689      °
fit_j2osc_mean_elements!(j2oscd::J2OsculatingPropagator{Tepoch, T}, vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_i::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_i::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) where {T<:Number, Tepoch<:Number, Tjd<:Number, Tv<:AbstractVector} -> KeplerianElements{Tepoch, T}, SMatrix{6, 6, T}

Fit a set of mean Keplerian elements for the J2 osculating orbit propagator j2oscd using the osculating elements represented by a set of position vectors vr_i [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_i [m / s] represented in an inertial reference frame at instants in the array vjd [Julian Day].


The J2 osculating orbit propagator j2oscd will be initialized with the Keplerian elements returned by the function.


  • atol::Number: Tolerance for the residue absolute value. If the residue is lower than atol at any iteration, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • rtol::Number: Tolerance for the relative difference between the residues. If the relative difference between the residues in two consecutive iterations is lower than rtol, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • initial_guess::Union{Nothing, KeplerianElements}: Initial guess for the mean elements fitting process. If it is nothing, the algorithm will obtain an initial estimate from the osculating elements in vr_i and vv_i. (Default = nothing)
  • jacobian_perturbation::Number: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference when calculating the Jacobian matrix. (Default = 1e-3)
  • jacobian_perturbation_tol::Number: Tolerance to accept the perturbation when calculating the Jacobian matrix. If the computed perturbation is lower than jacobian_perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than jacobian_perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
  • max_iterations::Int: Maximum number of iterations allowed for the least-square fitting. (Default = 50)
  • mean_elements_epoch::Number: Epoch for the fitted mean elements. (Default = vjd[end])
  • verbose::Bool: If true, the algorithm prints debugging information to stdout. (Default = true)
  • weight_vector::AbstractVector: Vector with the measurements weights for the least-square algorithm. We assemble the weight matrix W as a diagonal matrix with the elements in weight_vector at its diagonal. (Default = @SVector(ones(Bool, 6)))


  • KeplerianElements{Tepoch, T}: Fitted Keplerian elements.
  • SMatrix{6, 6, T}: Final covariance matrix of the least-square algorithm.


# Allocate a new J2 osculating orbit propagator using a dummy Keplerian elements.
julia> j2oscd = j2osc_init(KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}(0, 7000e3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));

julia> vr_i = [
           [-6792.402703741442, 2192.6458461287293, 0.18851758695295118] .* 1000,
           [-6357.88873265975, 2391.9476768911686, 2181.838771262736] .* 1000

julia> vv_i = [
           [0.3445760107690598, 1.0395135806993514, 7.393686131436984] .* 1000,
           [2.5285015912807003, 0.27812476784300005, 7.030323100703928] .* 1000

julia> vjd = [

julia> orb, P = fit_j2osc_mean_elements!(j2oscd, vjd, vr_i, vv_i)
ACTION:   Fitting the mean elements for the J2 osculating propagator.
           Iteration        Position RMSE        Velocity RMSE           Total RMSE       RMSE Variation
                                     [km]             [km / s]                  [ ]
PROGRESS:          4          1.69161e-05           0.00260193              2.60198         -2.06772e-09 %

(KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Epoch = 2.46003e6 (2023-03-24T16:33:40.388), [0.9999427882949705 -0.0049011518111948425 … -0.00012021282848110985 -0.00011550570919063845; -0.00490115181520327 1.0007325785722665 … 0.0032661568999667063 3.8567115793316056e-5; … ; -0.00012021282849269182 0.003266156899966125 … 2.204826778451109e-5 5.382733068487529e-8; -0.00011550570919086411 3.8567115786674836e-5 … 5.382733066340212e-8 2.1657420198753813e-5])

julia> orb
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.46003e6 (2023-03-24T16:33:40.388)
 Semi-major axis : 7135.8        km
    Eccentricity :    0.00135383
     Inclination :   98.4304     °
            RAAN :  162.113      °
 Arg. of Perigee :   64.9256     °
    True Anomaly :  313.085      °
fit_j2osc_mean_elements(vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_i::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_i::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) where {Tjd<:Number, Tv<:AbstractVector} -> KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}, SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}

Fit a set of mean Keplerian elements for the J2 osculating orbit propagator using the osculating elements represented by a set of position vectors vr_i [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_i [m / s] represented in an inertial reference frame at instants in the array vjd [Julian Day].


This algorithm version will allocate a new J2 osculating propagator with the default constants j2c_egm2008. If another set of constants are required, use the function fit_j2osc_mean_elements! instead.


  • atol::Number: Tolerance for the residue absolute value. If the residue is lower than atol at any iteration, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • rtol::Number: Tolerance for the relative difference between the residues. If the relative difference between the residues in two consecutive iterations is lower than rtol, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • initial_guess::Union{Nothing, KeplerianElements}: Initial guess for the mean elements fitting process. If it is nothing, the algorithm will obtain an initial estimate from the osculating elements in vr_i and vv_i. (Default = nothing)
  • jacobian_perturbation::Number: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference when calculating the Jacobian matrix. (Default = 1e-3)
  • jacobian_perturbation_tol::Number: Tolerance to accept the perturbation when calculating the Jacobian matrix. If the computed perturbation is lower than jacobian_perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than jacobian_perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
  • max_iterations::Int: Maximum number of iterations allowed for the least-square fitting. (Default = 50)
  • mean_elements_epoch::Number: Epoch for the fitted mean elements. (Default = vjd[end])
  • verbose::Bool: If true, the algorithm prints debugging information to stdout. (Default = true)
  • weight_vector::AbstractVector: Vector with the measurements weights for the least-square algorithm. We assemble the weight matrix W as a diagonal matrix with the elements in weight_vector at its diagonal. (Default = @SVector(ones(Bool, 6)))


  • KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Fitted Keplerian elements.
  • SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}: Final covariance matrix of the least-square algorithm.


julia> vr_i = [
           [-6792.402703741442, 2192.6458461287293, 0.18851758695295118] .* 1000,
           [-6357.88873265975, 2391.9476768911686, 2181.838771262736] .* 1000

julia> vv_i = [
           [0.3445760107690598, 1.0395135806993514, 7.393686131436984] .* 1000,
           [2.5285015912807003, 0.27812476784300005, 7.030323100703928] .* 1000

julia> vjd = [

julia> orb, P = fit_j2osc_mean_elements(vjd, vr_i, vv_i)
ACTION:   Fitting the mean elements for the J2 osculating propagator.
           Iteration        Position RMSE        Velocity RMSE           Total RMSE       RMSE Variation
                                     [km]             [km / s]                  [ ]
PROGRESS:          4          1.69161e-05           0.00260193              2.60198         -2.06772e-09 %

(KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Epoch = 2.46003e6 (2023-03-24T16:33:40.388), [0.9999427882949705 -0.0049011518111948425 … -0.00012021282848110985 -0.00011550570919063845; -0.00490115181520327 1.0007325785722665 … 0.0032661568999667063 3.8567115793316056e-5; … ; -0.00012021282849269182 0.003266156899966125 … 2.204826778451109e-5 5.382733068487529e-8; -0.00011550570919086411 3.8567115786674836e-5 … 5.382733066340212e-8 2.1657420198753813e-5])

julia> orb
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.46003e6 (2023-03-24T16:33:40.388)
 Semi-major axis : 7135.8        km
    Eccentricity :    0.00135383
     Inclination :   98.4304     °
            RAAN :  162.113      °
 Arg. of Perigee :   64.9256     °
    True Anomaly :  313.085      °
fit_j4_mean_elements!(j4d::J4Propagator{Tepoch, T}, vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_i::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_i::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) where {T<:Number, Tepoch<:Number, Tjd<:Number, Tv<:AbstractVector} -> KeplerianElements{Tepoch, T}, SMatrix{6, 6, T}

Fit a set of mean Keplerian elements for the J4 orbit propagator j4d using the osculating elements represented by a set of position vectors vr_i [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_i [m / s] represented in an inertial reference frame at instants in the array vjd [Julian Day].


The J4 orbit propagator j4d will be initialized with the Keplerian elements returned by the function.


  • atol::Number: Tolerance for the residue absolute value. If the residue is lower than atol at any iteration, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • rtol::Number: Tolerance for the relative difference between the residues. If the relative difference between the residues in two consecutive iterations is lower than rtol, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • initial_guess::Union{Nothing, KeplerianElements}: Initial guess for the mean elements fitting process. If it is nothing, the algorithm will obtain an initial estimate from the osculating elements in vr_i and vv_i. (Default = nothing)
  • jacobian_perturbation::Number: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference when calculating the Jacobian matrix. (Default = 1e-3)
  • jacobian_perturbation_tol::Number: Tolerance to accept the perturbation when calculating the Jacobian matrix. If the computed perturbation is lower than jacobian_perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than jacobian_perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
  • max_iterations::Int: Maximum number of iterations allowed for the least-square fitting. (Default = 50)
  • mean_elements_epoch::Number: Epoch for the fitted mean elements. (Default = vjd[end])
  • verbose::Bool: If true, the algorithm prints debugging information to stdout. (Default = true)
  • weight_vector::AbstractVector: Vector with the measurements weights for the least-square algorithm. We assemble the weight matrix W as a diagonal matrix with the elements in weight_vector at its diagonal. (Default = @SVector(ones(Bool, 6)))


  • KeplerianElements{Tepoch, T}: Fitted Keplerian elements.
  • SMatrix{6, 6, T}: Final covariance matrix of the least-square algorithm.


# Allocate a new J4 orbit propagator using a dummy Keplerian elements.
julia> j4d = j4_init(KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}(0, 7000e3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));

julia> vr_i = [
           [-6792.402703741442, 2192.6458461287293, 0.18851758695295118]  .* 1000,
           [-1781.214419290065, 1619.7795321872854, 6707.771633846665]    .* 1000,
           [ 5693.643675547716, -1192.342828671633, 4123.976025977494]    .* 1000,
           [ 5291.613719530499, -2354.5417593130833, -4175.561367156414]  .* 1000,
           [-2416.3705905186903, -268.74923235392623, -6715.411357310478] .* 1000,
           [-6795.043410709359, 2184.4414321930635, -0.4327055325971031]  .* 1000,

julia> vv_i = [
           [0.3445760107690598, 1.0395135806993514, 7.393686131436984]    .* 1000,
           [6.875680282038698, -1.864319399615942, 2.270603214569518]     .* 1000,
           [3.8964090757666496, -2.1887896252945875, -5.9960180359219075] .* 1000,
           [-4.470258022565413, 0.5119576359985208, -5.9608372367141635]  .* 1000,
           [-6.647358060413909, 2.495415251255861, 2.292118747543002]     .* 1000,
           [0.3427096905434428, 1.040125572862349, 7.3936887585116855]    .* 1000,

julia> vjd = [

julia> orb, P = fit_j4_mean_elements!(j4d, vjd, vr_i, vv_i)
ACTION:   Fitting the mean elements for the J4 propagator.
           Iteration        Position RMSE        Velocity RMSE           Total RMSE       RMSE Variation
                                     [km]             [km / s]                  [ ]
PROGRESS:         23              4.33863           0.00539962              4338.63         -2.90777e-06 %

(KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Epoch = 2.46003e6 (2023-03-24T18:08:40.388), [0.16604866262321472 0.06643593039980161 … -3.8553206984036995e-5 0.00012403204426258087; 0.06643593040175688 0.26633435614867085 … -1.7942563356579497e-5 -1.95681107792859e-5; … ; -3.855320698470177e-5 -1.794256335557519e-5 … 4.3972013198895673e-7 -8.092682623169118e-8; 0.000124032044261828 -1.9568110780915995e-5 … -8.092682623078798e-8 1.2451901466558624e-7])

julia> orb
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.46003e6 (2023-03-24T18:08:40.388)
 Semi-major axis : 7131.64       km
    Eccentricity :    0.00114298
     Inclination :   98.4366     °
            RAAN :  162.177      °
 Arg. of Perigee :  101.282      °
    True Anomaly :  258.693      °
fit_j4_mean_elements(vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_i::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_i::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) where {Tjd<:Number, Tv<:AbstractVector} -> KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}, SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}

Fit a set of mean Keplerian elements for the J4 orbit propagator using the osculating elements represented by a set of position vectors vr_i [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_i [m / s] represented in an inertial reference frame at instants in the array vjd [Julian Day].


This algorithm version will allocate a new J4 propagator with the default constants j4c_egm2008. If another set of constants are required, use the function fit_j4_mean_elements! instead.


  • atol::Number: Tolerance for the residue absolute value. If the residue is lower than atol at any iteration, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • rtol::Number: Tolerance for the relative difference between the residues. If the relative difference between the residues in two consecutive iterations is lower than rtol, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • initial_guess::Union{Nothing, KeplerianElements}: Initial guess for the mean elements fitting process. If it is nothing, the algorithm will obtain an initial estimate from the osculating elements in vr_i and vv_i. (Default = nothing)
  • jacobian_perturbation::Number: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference when calculating the Jacobian matrix. (Default = 1e-3)
  • jacobian_perturbation_tol::Number: Tolerance to accept the perturbation when calculating the Jacobian matrix. If the computed perturbation is lower than jacobian_perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than jacobian_perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
  • max_iterations::Int: Maximum number of iterations allowed for the least-square fitting. (Default = 50)
  • mean_elements_epoch::Number: Epoch for the fitted mean elements. (Default = vjd[end])
  • verbose::Bool: If true, the algorithm prints debugging information to stdout. (Default = true)
  • weight_vector::AbstractVector: Vector with the measurements weights for the least-square algorithm. We assemble the weight matrix W as a diagonal matrix with the elements in weight_vector at its diagonal. (Default = @SVector(ones(Bool, 6)))


  • KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Fitted Keplerian elements.
  • SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}: Final covariance matrix of the least-square algorithm.


julia> vr_i = [
           [-6792.402703741442, 2192.6458461287293, 0.18851758695295118]  .* 1000,
           [-1781.214419290065, 1619.7795321872854, 6707.771633846665]    .* 1000,
           [ 5693.643675547716, -1192.342828671633, 4123.976025977494]    .* 1000,
           [ 5291.613719530499, -2354.5417593130833, -4175.561367156414]  .* 1000,
           [-2416.3705905186903, -268.74923235392623, -6715.411357310478] .* 1000,
           [-6795.043410709359, 2184.4414321930635, -0.4327055325971031]  .* 1000,

julia> vv_i = [
           [0.3445760107690598, 1.0395135806993514, 7.393686131436984]    .* 1000,
           [6.875680282038698, -1.864319399615942, 2.270603214569518]     .* 1000,
           [3.8964090757666496, -2.1887896252945875, -5.9960180359219075] .* 1000,
           [-4.470258022565413, 0.5119576359985208, -5.9608372367141635]  .* 1000,
           [-6.647358060413909, 2.495415251255861, 2.292118747543002]     .* 1000,
           [0.3427096905434428, 1.040125572862349, 7.3936887585116855]    .* 1000,

julia> vjd = [

julia> orb, P = fit_j4_mean_elements(vjd, vr_i, vv_i)
ACTION:   Fitting the mean elements for the J4 propagator.
           Iteration        Position RMSE        Velocity RMSE           Total RMSE       RMSE Variation
                                     [km]             [km / s]                  [ ]
PROGRESS:         23              4.33863           0.00539962              4338.63         -2.90777e-06 %

(KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Epoch = 2.46003e6 (2023-03-24T18:08:40.388), [0.16604866262321472 0.06643593039980161 … -3.8553206984036995e-5 0.00012403204426258087; 0.06643593040175688 0.26633435614867085 … -1.7942563356579497e-5 -1.95681107792859e-5; … ; -3.855320698470177e-5 -1.794256335557519e-5 … 4.3972013198895673e-7 -8.092682623169118e-8; 0.000124032044261828 -1.9568110780915995e-5 … -8.092682623078798e-8 1.2451901466558624e-7])

julia> orb
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.46003e6 (2023-03-24T18:08:40.388)
 Semi-major axis : 7131.64       km
    Eccentricity :    0.00114298
     Inclination :   98.4366     °
            RAAN :  162.177      °
 Arg. of Perigee :  101.282      °
    True Anomaly :  258.693      °
fit_j4osc_mean_elements!(j4oscd::J4OsculatingPropagator{Tepoch, T}, vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_i::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_i::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) where {T<:Number, Tepoch<:Number, Tjd<:Number, Tv<:AbstractVector} -> KeplerianElements{Tepoch, T}, SMatrix{6, 6, T}

Fit a set of mean Keplerian elements for the J4 osculating orbit propagator j4oscd using the osculating elements represented by a set of position vectors vr_i [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_i [m / s] represented in an inertial reference frame at instants in the array vjd [Julian Day].


The J4 osculating orbit propagator j4oscd will be initialized with the Keplerian elements returned by the function.


  • atol::Number: Tolerance for the residue absolute value. If the residue is lower than atol at any iteration, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • rtol::Number: Tolerance for the relative difference between the residues. If the relative difference between the residues in two consecutive iterations is lower than rtol, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • initial_guess::Union{Nothing, KeplerianElements}: Initial guess for the mean elements fitting process. If it is nothing, the algorithm will obtain an initial estimate from the osculating elements in vr_i and vv_i. (Default = nothing)
  • jacobian_perturbation::Number: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference when calculating the Jacobian matrix. (Default = 1e-3)
  • jacobian_perturbation_tol::Number: Tolerance to accept the perturbation when calculating the Jacobian matrix. If the computed perturbation is lower than jacobian_perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than jacobian_perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
  • max_iterations::Int: Maximum number of iterations allowed for the least-square fitting. (Default = 50)
  • mean_elements_epoch::Number: Epoch for the fitted mean elements. (Default = vjd[end])
  • verbose::Bool: If true, the algorithm prints debugging information to stdout. (Default = true)
  • weight_vector::AbstractVector: Vector with the measurements weights for the least-square algorithm. We assemble the weight matrix W as a diagonal matrix with the elements in weight_vector at its diagonal. (Default = @SVector(ones(Bool, 6)))


  • KeplerianElements{Tepoch, T}: Fitted Keplerian elements.
  • SMatrix{6, 6, T}: Final covariance matrix of the least-square algorithm.


# Allocate a new J4 osculating orbit propagator using a dummy Keplerian elements.
julia> j4oscd = j4osc_init(KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}(0, 7000e3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));

julia> vr_i = [
           [-6792.402703741442, 2192.6458461287293, 0.18851758695295118] .* 1000,
           [-6357.88873265975, 2391.9476768911686, 2181.838771262736] .* 1000

julia> vv_i = [
           [0.3445760107690598, 1.0395135806993514, 7.393686131436984] .* 1000,
           [2.5285015912807003, 0.27812476784300005, 7.030323100703928] .* 1000

julia> vjd = [

julia> orb, P = fit_j4osc_mean_elements!(j4oscd, vjd, vr_i, vv_i)
ACTION:   Fitting the mean elements for the J4 osculating propagator.
           Iteration        Position RMSE        Velocity RMSE           Total RMSE       RMSE Variation
                                     [km]             [km / s]                  [ ]
PROGRESS:          4          1.68852e-05           0.00259716              2.59722          6.52143e-10 %

(KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Epoch = 2.46003e6 (2023-03-24T16:33:40.388), [0.999942775712293 -0.004901178682591695 … -0.00012021347649120565 -0.0001155014732440418; -0.004901178674245216 1.0007325984965127 … 0.0032661543862499806 3.8581997167487534e-5; … ; -0.00012021347646254671 0.003266154386250846 … 2.204822797002821e-5 5.3982040158043245e-8; -0.00011550147323899825 3.8581997169916946e-5 … 5.398204016417114e-8 2.1657607378172235e-5])

julia> orb
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.46003e6 (2023-03-24T16:33:40.388)
 Semi-major axis : 7135.79       km
    Eccentricity :    0.00135314
     Inclination :   98.4304     °
            RAAN :  162.113      °
 Arg. of Perigee :   64.9687     °
    True Anomaly :  313.042      °
fit_j4osc_mean_elements(vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_i::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_i::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) where {Tjd<:Number, Tv<:AbstractVector} -> KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}, SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}

Fit a set of mean Keplerian elements for the J4 osculating orbit propagator using the osculating elements represented by a set of position vectors vr_i [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_i [m / s] represented in an inertial reference frame at instants in the array vjd [Julian Day].


This algorithm version will allocate a new J4 osculating propagator with the default constants j4c_egm2008. If another set of constants are required, use the function fit_j4osc_mean_elements! instead.


  • atol::Number: Tolerance for the residue absolute value. If the residue is lower than atol at any iteration, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • rtol::Number: Tolerance for the relative difference between the residues. If the relative difference between the residues in two consecutive iterations is lower than rtol, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • initial_guess::Union{Nothing, KeplerianElements}: Initial guess for the mean elements fitting process. If it is nothing, the algorithm will obtain an initial estimate from the osculating elements in vr_i and vv_i. (Default = nothing)
  • jacobian_perturbation::Number: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference when calculating the Jacobian matrix. (Default = 1e-3)
  • jacobian_perturbation_tol::Number: Tolerance to accept the perturbation when calculating the Jacobian matrix. If the computed perturbation is lower than jacobian_perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than jacobian_perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
  • max_iterations::Int: Maximum number of iterations allowed for the least-square fitting. (Default = 50)
  • mean_elements_epoch::Number: Epoch for the fitted mean elements. (Default = vjd[end])
  • verbose::Bool: If true, the algorithm prints debugging information to stdout. (Default = true)
  • weight_vector::AbstractVector: Vector with the measurements weights for the least-square algorithm. We assemble the weight matrix W as a diagonal matrix with the elements in weight_vector at its diagonal. (Default = @SVector(ones(Bool, 6)))


  • KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Fitted Keplerian elements.
  • SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}: Final covariance matrix of the least-square algorithm.


julia> vr_i = [
           [-6792.402703741442, 2192.6458461287293, 0.18851758695295118] .* 1000,
           [-6357.88873265975, 2391.9476768911686, 2181.838771262736] .* 1000

julia> vv_i = [
           [0.3445760107690598, 1.0395135806993514, 7.393686131436984] .* 1000,
           [2.5285015912807003, 0.27812476784300005, 7.030323100703928] .* 1000

julia> vjd = [

julia> orb, P = fit_j4osc_mean_elements(vjd, vr_i, vv_i)
ACTION:   Fitting the mean elements for the J4 osculating propagator.
           Iteration        Position RMSE        Velocity RMSE           Total RMSE       RMSE Variation
                                     [km]             [km / s]                  [ ]
PROGRESS:          4          1.68852e-05           0.00259716              2.59722          6.52143e-10 %

(KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Epoch = 2.46003e6 (2023-03-24T16:33:40.388), [0.999942775712293 -0.004901178682591695 … -0.00012021347649120565 -0.0001155014732440418; -0.004901178674245216 1.0007325984965127 … 0.0032661543862499806 3.8581997167487534e-5; … ; -0.00012021347646254671 0.003266154386250846 … 2.204822797002821e-5 5.3982040158043245e-8; -0.00011550147323899825 3.8581997169916946e-5 … 5.398204016417114e-8 2.1657607378172235e-5])

julia> orb
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.46003e6 (2023-03-24T16:33:40.388)
 Semi-major axis : 7135.79       km
    Eccentricity :    0.00135314
     Inclination :   98.4304     °
            RAAN :  162.113      °
 Arg. of Perigee :   64.9687     °
    True Anomaly :  313.042      °
j2!(j2d::J2Propagator{Tepoch, T}, t::Number) where {Tepoch, T} -> SVector{3, T}, SVector{3, T}

Propagate the orbit defined in j2d (see J2Propagator) to t [s] after the epoch of the input mean elements in j2d.


The internal values in j2d will be modified.


  • SVector{3, T}: Position vector [m] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • SVector{3, T}: Velocity vector [m / s] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.


The inertial frame in which the output is represented depends on which frame it was used to generate the orbit parameters. Notice that the perturbation theory requires an inertial frame with true equator.

j2(Δt::Number, orb₀::KeplerianElements; kwargs...) -> SVector{3, T}, SVector{3, T}, J2Propagator

Initialize the J2 propagator structure using the input elements orb₀ [SI units] and propagate the orbit until the time Δt [s].


The type used in the propagation will be the same as used to define the constants in the structure j2c.


  • j2c::J2PropagatorConstants: J2 orbit propagator constants (see J2PropagatorConstants). (Default = j2c_egm2008)


  • SVector{3, T}: Position vector [m] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • SVector{3, T}: Velocity vector [m / s] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • J2Propagator: Structure with the initialized parameters.


The inertial frame in which the output is represented depends on which frame it was used to generate the orbit parameters. Notice that the perturbation theory requires an inertial frame with true equator.

j2_init!(j2d::J2Propagator, orb₀::KeplerianElements) -> Nothing

Initialize the J2 orbit propagator structure j2d using the mean Keplerian elements orb₀ [SI units].


The propagation constants j2c::J2PropagatorConstants in j2d will not be changed. Hence, they must be initialized.

j2_init(orb₀::KeplerianElements; kwargs...) -> J2Propagator

Create and initialize the J2 orbit propagator structure using the mean Keplerian elements orb₀ [SI units].


The type used in the propagation will be the same as used to define the constants in the structure j2c.


  • j2c::J2PropagatorConstants: J2 orbit propagator constants (see J2PropagatorConstants). (Default = j2c_egm2008)
j2osc!(j2oscd::J2OsculatingPropagator{Tepoch, T}, t::Number) where {Tepoch, T} -> SVector{3, T}, SVector{3, T}

Propagate the orbit defined in j2oscd (see J2OsculatingPropagator) to t [s] after the epoch of the input mean elements in j2d.


The internal values in j2oscd will be modified.


  • SVector{3, T}: Position vector [m] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • SVector{3, T}: Velocity vector [m / s] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.


The inertial frame in which the output is represented depends on which frame it was used to generate the orbit parameters. Notice that the perturbation theory requires an inertial frame with true equator.

j2osc(Δt::Number, orb₀::KeplerianElements; kwargs...) -> SVector{3, T}, SVector{3, T}, J2OsculatingPropagator

Initialize the J2 osculating propagator structure using the input elements orb₀ [SI units] and propagate the orbit until the time Δt [s].


The type used in the propagation will be the same as used to define the constants in the structure j2c.


  • j2c::J2PropagatorConstants{T}: J2 orbit propagator constants (see J2PropagatorConstants). (Default = j2c_egm2008)


  • SVector{3, T}: Position vector [m] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • SVector{3, T}: Velocity vector [m / s] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • J2OsculatingPropagator: Structure with the initialized parameters.


The inertial frame in which the output is represented depends on which frame it was used to generate the orbit parameters. Notice that the perturbation theory requires an inertial frame with true equator.

j2osc_init!(j2oscd::J2OsculatingPropagator, orb₀::KeplerianElements) -> Nothing

Initialize the J2 osculating orbit propagator structure j2oscd using the mean Keplerian elements orb₀ [SI units].


The propagation constants j2c::J2PropagatorConstants in j2oscd.j2d will not be changed. Hence, they must be initialized.

j2osc_init(orb₀::KeplerianElements; kwargs...) -> J2OsculatingPropagator

Create and initialize the J2 osculating orbit propagator structure using the mean Keplerian elements orb₀ [SI units].


The type used in the propagation will be the same as used to define the constants in the structure j2c.


  • j2c::J2PropagatorConstants: J2 orbit propagator constants (see J2PropagatorConstants). (Default = j2c_egm2008)
j4!(j4d::J4Propagator{Tepoch, T}, t::Number) where {Tepoch<:Number, T<:Number} -> SVector{3, T}, SVector{3, T}

Propagate the orbit defined in j4d (see J4Propagator) to t [s] after the epoch of the input mean elements in j4d.


The internal values in j4d will be modified.


  • SVector{3, T}: Position vector [m] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • SVector{3, T}: Velocity vector [m / s] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.


The inertial frame in which the output is represented depends on which frame it was used to generate the orbit parameters. Notice that the perturbation theory requires an inertial frame with true equator.

j4(Δt::Number, orb₀::KeplerianElements; kwargs...) -> SVector{3, T}, SVector{3, T}, J4Propagator

Initialize the J4 propagator structure using the input elements orb₀ and propagate the orbit until the time Δt [s].


The type used in the propagation will be the same as used to define the constants in the structure j4c.


  • j4c::J4PropagatorConstants: J4 orbit propagator constants (see J4PropagatorConstants). (Default = j4c_egm2008)


  • SVector{3, T}: Position vector [m] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • SVector{3, T}: Velocity vector [m / s] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • J4Propagator: Structure with the initialized parameters.


The inertial frame in which the output is represented depends on which frame it was used to generate the orbit parameters. Notice that the perturbation theory requires an inertial frame with true equator.

j4_init!(j4d::J4Propagator, orb₀::KeplerianElements) -> Nothing

Initialize the J4 orbit propagator structure j4d using the mean Keplerian elements orb₀.


The propagation constants j4c::J4PropagatorConstants in j4d will not be changed. Hence, they must be initialized.

j4_init(orb₀::KeplerianElements; kwargs...) -> J4Propagator

Create and initialize the J4 orbit propagator structure using the mean Keplerian elements orb₀.


The type used in the propagation will be the same as used to define the constants in the structure j4c.


  • j4c::J4PropagatorConstants: J4 orbit propagator constants (see J4PropagatorConstants). (Default = j4c_egm2008)
j4osc!(j4oscd::J4OsculatingPropagator{Tepoch, T}, t::Number) where {Tepoch, T} -> SVector{3, T}, SVector{3, T}

Propagate the orbit defined in j4oscd (see J4OsculatingPropagator) to t [s] after the epoch of the input mean elements in j4d.


The internal values in j4oscd will be modified.


  • SVector{3, T}: Position vector [m] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • SVector{3, T}: Velocity vector [m / s] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.


The inertial frame in which the output is represented depends on which frame it was used to generate the orbit parameters. Notice that the perturbation theory requires an inertial frame with true equator.

j4osc(Δt::Number, orb₀::KeplerianElements; kwargs...) -> SVector{3, T}, SVector{3, T}, J4OsculatingPropagator

Initialize the J4 osculating propagator structure using the input elements orb₀ and propagate the orbit until the time Δt [s].


The type used in the propagation will be the same as used to define the constants in the structure j4c.


  • j4c::J4PropagatorConstants{T}: J4 orbit propagator constants (see J4PropagatorConstants). (Default = j4c_egm2008)


  • SVector{3, T}: Position vector [m] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • SVector{3, T}: Velocity vector [m / s] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • J4OsculatingPropagator: Structure with the initialized parameters.


The inertial frame in which the output is represented depends on which frame it was used to generate the orbit parameters. Notice that the perturbation theory requires an inertial frame with true equator.

j4osc_init!(j4oscd::J4OsculatingPropagator, orb₀::KeplerianElements) -> Nothing

Initialize the J4 osculating orbit propagator structure j4oscd using the mean Keplerian elements orb₀.


The propagation constants j4c::J4PropagatorConstants in j4oscd.j4d will not be changed. Hence, they must be initialized.

j4osc_init(orb₀::KeplerianElements; kwargs...) -> J4OsculatingPropagator

Create and initialize the J4 osculating orbit propagator structure using the mean Keplerian elements orb₀.


The type used in the propagation will be the same as used to define the constants in the structure j4c.


  • j4c::J4PropagatorConstants: J4 orbit propagator constants (see J4PropagatorConstants). (Default = j4c_egm2008)
twobody!(tbd::TwoBodyPropagator{Tepoch, T}, t::Number) where {Tepoch, T} -> SVector{3, T}, SVector{3, T}

Propagate the orbit defined in tbd (see TwoBodyPropagator) to t [s] after the epoch of the input mean elements in tbd.


The internal values in tbd will be modified.


  • SVector{3, T}: Position vector [m] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • SVector{3, T}: Velocity vector [m / s] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.


The inertial frame in which the output is represented depends on which frame it was used to generate the orbit parameters.

twobody(Δt::Number, orb₀::KeplerianElements; kwargs...) -> SVector{3, T}, SVector{3, T}, TwoBodyPropagator

Initialize the two-body propagator structure using the input elements orb₀ and propagate the orbit until the time Δt [s].


The type used in the propagation will be the same as used to define the gravitational constant m0.


  • m0::T: Standard gravitational parameter of the central body [m³ / s²]. (Default = tbc_m0)


  • SVector{3, T}: Position vector [m] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • SVector{3, T}: Velocity vector [m / s] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • TwoBodyPropagator: Structure with the initialized parameters.


The inertial frame in which the output is represented depends on which frame it was used to generate the orbit parameters.

twobody_init!(tbd::TwoBodyPropagator, orb₀::KeplerianElements; kwargs...) -> Nothing

Initialize the two-body propagator structure tbd using the mean Keplerian elements orb₀.


The propagation constant μ::Number in tbd will not be changed. Hence, it must be initialized.

twobody_init(orb₀::KeplerianElements; kwargs...) -> TwoBodyPropagator

Create and initialize the two-body propagator structure using the mean Keplerian elements orb₀.


The type used in the propagation will be the same as used to define the gravitational constant m0.


  • m0::T: Standard gravitational parameter of the central body [m³ / s²]. (Default = tbc_m0)
update_j2_mean_elements_epoch!(j2d::J2Propagator, orb::KeplerianElements, new_epoch::Union{Number, DateTime}) -> KepleriranElements

Update the epoch of the mean elements orb using the propagator j2d to new_epoch, which can be represented by a Julian Day or a DateTime.


The J2 orbit propagator j2d will be initialized with the Keplerian elements returned by the function.


julia> orb = KeplerianElements(
           DateTime("2023-01-01") |> datetime2julian,
           98.405 |> deg2rad,
           90     |> deg2rad,
           200    |> deg2rad,
           45     |> deg2rad
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.45995e6 (2023-01-01T00:00:00)
 Semi-major axis : 7190.98     km
    Eccentricity :    0.001111
     Inclination :   98.405    °
            RAAN :   90.0      °
 Arg. of Perigee :  200.0      °
    True Anomaly :   45.0      °

# Allocate a new J2 orbit propagator using the created Keplerian elements. Notice that any
# set of Keplerian elements can be used here.
julia> j2d = j2_init(orb);

julia> update_j2_mean_elements_epoch!(j2d, orb, DateTime("2023-01-02"))
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.45995e6 (2023-01-02T00:00:00)
 Semi-major axis : 7190.98     km
    Eccentricity :    0.001111
     Inclination :   98.405    °
            RAAN :   90.9565   °
 Arg. of Perigee :  197.078    °
    True Anomaly :  127.291    °
update_j2_mean_elements_epoch(orb::KeplerianElements, new_epoch::Union{Number, DateTime}) -> KepleriranElements

Update the epoch of the mean elements orb using a J2 orbit propagator to new_epoch, which can be represented by a Julian Day or a DateTime.


This algorithm version will allocate a new J2 propagator with the default constants j2c_egm2008. If another set of constants are required, use the function update_j2osc_mean_elements_epoch! instead.


julia> orb = KeplerianElements(
           DateTime("2023-01-01") |> datetime2julian,
           98.405 |> deg2rad,
           90     |> deg2rad,
           200    |> deg2rad,
           45     |> deg2rad
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.45995e6 (2023-01-01T00:00:00)
 Semi-major axis : 7190.98     km
    Eccentricity :    0.001111
     Inclination :   98.405    °
            RAAN :   90.0      °
 Arg. of Perigee :  200.0      °
    True Anomaly :   45.0      °

julia> update_j2_mean_elements_epoch(orb, DateTime("2023-01-02"))
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.45995e6 (2023-01-02T00:00:00)
 Semi-major axis : 7190.98     km
    Eccentricity :    0.001111
     Inclination :   98.405    °
            RAAN :   90.9565   °
 Arg. of Perigee :  197.078    °
    True Anomaly :  127.291    °
update_j2osc_mean_elements_epoch!(j2oscd::J2OsculatingPropagator, orb::KeplerianElements, new_epoch::Union{Number, DateTime}) -> KepleriranElements

Update the epoch of the mean elements orb using the propagator j2oscd to new_epoch, which can be represented by a Julian Day or a DateTime.


The J2 osculating orbit propagator j2oscd will be initialized with the Keplerian elements returned by the function.


julia> orb = KeplerianElements(
           DateTime("2023-01-01") |> datetime2julian,
           98.405 |> deg2rad,
           90     |> deg2rad,
           200    |> deg2rad,
           45     |> deg2rad
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.45995e6 (2023-01-01T00:00:00)
 Semi-major axis : 7190.98     km
    Eccentricity :    0.001111
     Inclination :   98.405    °
            RAAN :   90.0      °
 Arg. of Perigee :  200.0      °
    True Anomaly :   45.0      °

# Allocate a new J2 osculating orbit propagator using the created Keplerian elements. Notice
# that any set of Keplerian elements can be used here.
julia> j2oscd = j2osc_init(orb);

julia> update_j2osc_mean_elements_epoch!(j2oscd, orb, DateTime("2023-01-02"))
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.45995e6 (2023-01-02T00:00:00)
 Semi-major axis : 7190.98     km
    Eccentricity :    0.001111
     Inclination :   98.405    °
            RAAN :   90.9565   °
 Arg. of Perigee :  197.078    °
    True Anomaly :  127.291    °
update_j2osc_mean_elements_epoch(orb::KeplerianElements, new_epoch::Union{Number, DateTime}) -> KepleriranElements

Update the epoch of the mean elements orb using a J2 osculating orbit propagator to new_epoch, which can be represented by a Julian Day or a DateTime.


This algorithm version will allocate a new J2 osculating propagator with the default constants j2c_egm2008. If another set of constants are required, use the function update_j2osc_mean_elements_epoch! instead.


julia> orb = KeplerianElements(
           DateTime("2023-01-01") |> datetime2julian,
           98.405 |> deg2rad,
           90     |> deg2rad,
           200    |> deg2rad,
           45     |> deg2rad
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.45995e6 (2023-01-01T00:00:00)
 Semi-major axis : 7190.98     km
    Eccentricity :    0.001111
     Inclination :   98.405    °
            RAAN :   90.0      °
 Arg. of Perigee :  200.0      °
    True Anomaly :   45.0      °

julia> update_j2osc_mean_elements_epoch(orb, DateTime("2023-01-02"))
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.45995e6 (2023-01-02T00:00:00)
 Semi-major axis : 7190.98     km
    Eccentricity :    0.001111
     Inclination :   98.405    °
            RAAN :   90.9565   °
 Arg. of Perigee :  197.078    °
    True Anomaly :  127.291    °
update_j4_mean_elements_epoch!(j4d::J4Propagator, orb::KeplerianElements, new_epoch::Union{Number, DateTime}) -> KepleriranElements

Update the epoch of the mean elements orb using the propagator j4d to new_epoch, which can be represented by a Julian Day or a DateTime.


The J4 orbit propagator j4d will be initialized with the Keplerian elements returned by the function.


julia> orb = KeplerianElements(
           DateTime("2023-01-01") |> datetime2julian,
           98.405 |> deg2rad,
           90     |> deg2rad,
           200    |> deg2rad,
           45     |> deg2rad
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.45995e6 (2023-01-01T00:00:00)
 Semi-major axis : 7190.98     km
    Eccentricity :    0.001111
     Inclination :   98.405    °
            RAAN :   90.0      °
 Arg. of Perigee :  200.0      °
    True Anomaly :   45.0      °

# Allocate a new J4 orbit propagator using the created Keplerian elements. Notice that any
# set of Keplerian elements can be used here.
julia> j4d = j4_init(orb);

julia> update_j4_mean_elements_epoch!(j4d, orb, DateTime("2023-01-02"))
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.45995e6 (2023-01-02T00:00:00)
 Semi-major axis : 7190.98     km
    Eccentricity :    0.001111
     Inclination :   98.405    °
            RAAN :   90.9555   °
 Arg. of Perigee :  197.079    °
    True Anomaly :  127.293    °
update_j4_mean_elements_epoch(orb::KeplerianElements, new_epoch::Union{Number, DateTime}) -> KepleriranElements

Update the epoch of the mean elements orb using a J4 orbit propagator to new_epoch, which can be represented by a Julian Day or a DateTime.


This algorithm version will allocate a new J4 propagator with the default constants j4c_egm2008. If another set of constants are required, use the function update_j4osc_mean_elements_epoch! instead.


julia> orb = KeplerianElements(
           DateTime("2023-01-01") |> datetime2julian,
           98.405 |> deg2rad,
           90     |> deg2rad,
           200    |> deg2rad,
           45     |> deg2rad
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.45995e6 (2023-01-01T00:00:00)
 Semi-major axis : 7190.98     km
    Eccentricity :    0.001111
     Inclination :   98.405    °
            RAAN :   90.0      °
 Arg. of Perigee :  200.0      °
    True Anomaly :   45.0      °

julia> update_j4_mean_elements_epoch(orb, DateTime("2023-01-02"))
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.45995e6 (2023-01-02T00:00:00)
 Semi-major axis : 7190.98     km
    Eccentricity :    0.001111
     Inclination :   98.405    °
            RAAN :   90.9555   °
 Arg. of Perigee :  197.079    °
    True Anomaly :  127.293    °
update_j4osc_mean_elements_epoch!(j4oscd::J4OsculatingPropagator, orb::KeplerianElements, new_epoch::Union{Number, DateTime}) -> KepleriranElements

Update the epoch of the mean elements orb using the propagator j4oscd to new_epoch, which can be represented by a Julian Day or a DateTime.


The J4 osculating orbit propagator j4oscd will be initialized with the Keplerian elements returned by the function.


julia> orb = KeplerianElements(
           DateTime("2023-01-01") |> datetime2julian,
           98.405 |> deg2rad,
           90     |> deg2rad,
           200    |> deg2rad,
           45     |> deg2rad
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.45995e6 (2023-01-01T00:00:00)
 Semi-major axis : 7190.98     km
    Eccentricity :    0.001111
     Inclination :   98.405    °
            RAAN :   90.0      °
 Arg. of Perigee :  200.0      °
    True Anomaly :   45.0      °

# Allocate a new J4 osculating orbit propagator using the created Keplerian elements. Notice
# that any set of Keplerian elements can be used here.
julia> j4oscd = j4osc_init(orb);

julia> update_j4osc_mean_elements_epoch!(j4oscd, orb, DateTime("2023-01-02"))
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.45995e6 (2023-01-02T00:00:00)
 Semi-major axis : 7190.98     km
    Eccentricity :    0.001111
     Inclination :   98.405    °
            RAAN :   90.9555   °
 Arg. of Perigee :  197.079    °
    True Anomaly :  127.293    °
update_j4osc_mean_elements_epoch(orb::KeplerianElements, new_epoch::Union{Number, DateTime}) -> KepleriranElements

Update the epoch of the mean elements orb using a J4 osculating orbit propagator to new_epoch, which can be represented by a Julian Day or a DateTime.


This algorithm version will allocate a new J4 osculating propagator with the default constants j4c_egm2008. If another set of constants are required, use the function update_j4osc_mean_elements_epoch! instead.


julia> orb = KeplerianElements(
           DateTime("2023-01-01") |> datetime2julian,
           98.405 |> deg2rad,
           90     |> deg2rad,
           200    |> deg2rad,
           45     |> deg2rad
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.45995e6 (2023-01-01T00:00:00)
 Semi-major axis : 7190.98     km
    Eccentricity :    0.001111
     Inclination :   98.405    °
            RAAN :   90.0      °
 Arg. of Perigee :  200.0      °
    True Anomaly :   45.0      °

julia> update_j4osc_mean_elements_epoch(orb, DateTime("2023-01-02"))
KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.45995e6 (2023-01-02T00:00:00)
 Semi-major axis : 7190.98     km
    Eccentricity :    0.001111
     Inclination :   98.405    °
            RAAN :   90.9555   °
 Arg. of Perigee :  197.079    °
    True Anomaly :  127.293    °
fit_mean_elements(::Val{:propagator}, vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_i::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_i::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) where {Tjd<:Number, Tv<:AbstractVector} -> <Mean elements>
fit_mean_elements(::Val{:propagator}, vsv::OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}; kwargs...) where {Tepoch<:Number, T<:Number} -> <Mean elements>

Fit a set of mean elements for the propagator using the osculating state vector represented in an intertial reference frame. The state vector can be represented using a set of position vectors vr_i [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_i [m / s] obtained at the instants in the array vjd [Julian Day], or an array of OrbitStateVector vsv [SI], containing the same information. The keywords kwargs depends on the propagator type.

This function returns the set of mean elements used to initialize the propagator.

fit_mean_elements!(orbp::OrbitPropagator, vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_i::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_i::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) where {Tjd<:Number, Tv<:AbstractVector} -> <Mean elements>
fit_mean_elements!(orbp::OrbitPropagator, vsv::Vector{OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}}; kwargs...) where {Tepoch<:Number, T<:Number} -> <Mean elements>

Fit a set of mean elements for the propagator orbp using the osculating state vector represented in an intertial reference frame. The state vector can be represented using a set of position vectors vr_i [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_i [m / s] obtained at the instants in the array vjd [Julian Day], or an array of OrbitStateVector vsv [SI], containing the same information. The keywords kwargs depends on the propagator type.

This function returns the set of mean elements used to initialize the propagator and also initializes orbp with the fitted mean elements.

mean_elements(orbp::OrbitPropagator) -> Union{Nothing, KeplerianElements}

Return the mean elements using the structure KeplerianElements of the latest propagation performed by orbp. This is an optinal function in the API. It will return nothing if the propagator does not support it.

propagate!(orbp::OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}, Δt::Number[, sink = Tuple]) where {Tepoch, T} -> SVector{3, T}, SVector{3, T}
propagate!(orbp::OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}, p::Union{Dates.Period, Dates.CompoundPeriod}[, sink = Tuple]) where {Tepoch, T} -> SVector{3, T}, SVector{3, T}
propagate!(orbp::OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}, Δt::Number, sink = OrbitStateVector) where {Tepoch, T} -> OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}
propagate!(orbp::OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}, p::Union{Dates.Period, Dates.CompoundPeriod}, sink = OrbitStateVector) where {Tepoch, T} -> OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}

Propagate the orbit using orbp by Δt [s] or by the period defined by p from the initial orbit epoch. The output type depends on the parameter sink. If it is omitted, it defaults to Tuple and the output is a tuple with the position and velocity vectors.


If sink is Tuple:

  • SVector{3, T}: Position vector [m] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • SVector{3, T}: Velocity vector [m / s] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.

If sink is OrbitStateVector:

  • OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}: Structure with the orbit state vector [SI] at the propagation instant.
propagate!(orbp::OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}, vt::AbstractVector[, sink = Tuple]; kwargs...) where {Tepoch <: Number, T <: Number} -> Vector{SVector{3, T}}, Vector{SVector{3, T}}
propagate!(orbp::OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}, vp::AbstractVector{Union{Dates.Period, Dates.CompundPeriod}}[, sink = Tuple]; kwargs...) where {Tepoch <: Number, T <: Number} -> Vector{SVector{3, T}}, Vector{SVector{3, T}}
propagate!(orbp::OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}, vt::AbstractVector, sink = OrbitStateVector; kwargs...) where {Tepoch <: Number, T <: Number} -> Vector{OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}}
propagate!(orbp::OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}, vp::AbstractVector{Union{Dates.Period, Dates.CompundPeriod}}, sink = OrbitStateVector; kwargs...) where {Tepoch <: Number, T <: Number} -> Vector{OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}}

Propagate the orbit using orbp for every instant defined in vt [s] or for every period defined in vp from the initial orbit epoch. The output type depends on the parameter sink. If it is omitted, it defaults to Tuple, and the output is a tuple with the arrays containing the position and velocity vectors.


  • ntasks::Integer: Number of parallel tasks to propagate the orbit. If it is set to a number equal or lower than 1, the function will propagate the orbit sequentially. (Default = Threads.nthreads())


If sink is Tuple:

  • Vector{SVector{3, T}}: Array with the position vectors [m] in the inertial frame at each propagation instant defined in vt or vp.
  • Vector{SVector{3, T}}: Array with the velocity vectors [m / s] in the inertial frame at each propagation instant defined in vt or vp.

If sink is OrbitStateVector:

  • Vector{OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}}: Array with the orbit state vectors [SI] at each propagation instant defined in vt or vp.
propagate([sink = Tuple, ]::Val{:propagator}, Δt::Number, args...; kwargs...) -> SVector{3, T}, SVector{3, T}, OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}
propagate([sink = Tuple, ]::Val{:propagator}, p::Union{Dates.Period, Dates.CompundPeriod}, args...; kwargs...) -> SVector{3, T}, SVector{3, T}, OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}
propagate(sink = OrbitStateVector, ::Val{:propagator}, Δt::Number, args...; kwargs...) -> OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}, OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}
propagate(sink = OrbitStateVector, ::Val{:propagator}, p::Union{Dates.Period, Dates.CompundPeriod}, args...; kwargs...) -> OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}, OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}

Initialize the orbit propagator and propagate the orbit by Δt [s] or by the period defined by p from the initial orbit epoch. The initialization arguments args... and kwargs... are the same as in the initialization function Propagators.init. The output type depends on the parameter sink. If it is omitted, it defaults to Tuple and the output is a tuple with the position and velocity vectors.


T is the propagator number type. For more information, see Propagators.init.


If sink is Tuple:

  • SVector{3, T}: Position vector [m] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • SVector{3, T}: Velocity vector [m / s] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}: Structure with the initialized propagator.

If sink is OrbitStateVector:

  • OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}: Structure with the orbit state vector [SI] at the propagation instant.
  • OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}: Structure with the initialized propagator.
propagate([sink = Tuple, ]::Val{:propagator}, vt::AbstractVector, args...; kwargs...) -> Vector{SVector{3, T}}, Vector{SVector{3, T}}, OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}
propagate([sink = Tuple, ]::Val{:propagator}, vp::AbstractVector{Union{Dates.Period, Dates.CompundPeriod}}, args...; kwargs...) -> Vector{SVector{3, T}}, Vector{SVector{3, T}}, OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}
propagate(sink = OrbitStateVector, ::Val{:propagator}, vt::AbstractVector, args...; kwargs...) -> Vector{OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}}, OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}
propagate(sink = OrbitStateVector, ::Val{:propagator}, vp::AbstractVector{Union{Dates.Period, Dates.CompundPeriod}}, args...; kwargs...) -> Vector{OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}}, OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}

Initialize the orbit propagator and propagate the orbit for every instant defined in vt [s] or for every period defined in vp from the initial orbit epoch. The initialization arguments args... and kwargs... (except for ntasks) are the same as in the initialization function Propagators.init. The output type depends on the parameter sink. If it is omitted, it defaults to Tuple, and the output is a tuple with the arrays containing the position and velocity vectors.


T is the propagator number type. For more information, see Propagators.init.


  • ntasks::Integer: Number of parallel tasks to propagate the orbit. If it is set to a number equal or lower than 1, the function will propagate the orbit sequentially. (Default = Threads.nthreads())


If sink is Tuple:

  • Vector{SVector{3, T}}: Array with the position vectors [m] in the inertial frame at each propagation instant defined in vt or vp.
  • Vector{SVector{3, T}}: Array with the velocity vectors [m / s] in the inertial frame at each propagation instant defined in vt or vp.
  • OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}: Structure with the initialized propagator.

If sink is OrbitStateVector:

  • Vector{OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}}: Array with the orbit state vectors [SI] at each propagation instant defined in vt or vp.
  • OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}: Structure with the initialized propagator.
propagate_to_epoch!(orbp::OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}, jd::Number[, sink = Tuple]) where {Tepoch, T} -> SVector{3, T}, SVector{3, T}
propagate_to_epoch!(orbp::OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}, dt::DateTime[, sink = Tuple]) where {Tepoch, T} -> SVector{3, T}, SVector{3, T}
propagate_to_epoch!(orbp::OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}, jd::Number, sink = OrbitStateVector) where {Tepoch, T} -> OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}
propagate_to_epoch!(orbp::OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}, dt::DateTime, sink = OrbitStateVector) where {Tepoch, T} -> OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}

Propagate the orbit using orbp until the epoch defined either by the Julian Day jd [UTC] or by the DateTime object dt [UTC]. The output type depends on the parameter sink. If it is omitted, it defaults to Tuple and the output is a tuple with the position and velocity vectors.


If sink is Tuple:

  • SVector{3, T}: Position vector [m] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • SVector{3, T}: Velocity vector [m / s] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.

If sink is OrbitStateVector:

  • OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}: Structure with the orbit state vector [SI] at the propagation instant.
propagate_to_epoch!(orbp::OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}, vjd::AbstractVector[, sink = Tuple]; kwargs...) where {Tepoch, T} -> Vector{SVector{3, T}}, Vector{SVector{3, T}}
propagate_to_epoch!(orbp::OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}, vdt::AbstractVector{DateTime}[, sink = Tuple]; kwargs...) where {Tepoch, T} -> Vector{SVector{3, T}}, Vector{SVector{3, T}}
propagate_to_epoch!(orbp::OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}, vjd::AbstractVector, sink = OrbitStateVector; kwargs...) where {Tepoch, T} -> Vector{OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}}
propagate_to_epoch!(orbp::OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}, vdt::AbstractVector{DateTime}, sink = OrbitStateVector; kwargs...) where {Tepoch, T} -> Vector{OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}}

Propagate the orbit using orbp for every epoch defined in the vector of Julian Days vjd [UTC] or in the vector of DateTime objects vdt [UTC]. The output type depends on the parameter sink. If it is omitted, it defaults to Tuple, and the output is a tuple with the arrays containing the position and velocity vectors.


  • ntasks::Integer: Number of parallel tasks to propagate the orbit. If it is set to a number equal or lower than 1, the function will propagate the orbit sequentially. (Default = Threads.nthreads())


If sink is Tuple:

  • Vector{SVector{3, T}}: Array with the position vectors [m] in the inertial frame at each propagation instant defined in vjd or vdt.
  • Vector{SVector{3, T}}: Array with the velocity vectors [m / s] in the inertial frame at each propagation instant defined in vjd or vdt.

If sink is OrbitStateVector:

  • Vector{OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}}: Array with the orbit state vectors [SI] at each propagation instant defined in vjd or vdt.
propagate_to_epoch([sink = Tuple, ]::Val{:propagator}, jd::Number, args...; kwargs...) -> SVector{3, T}, SVector{3, T}, OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}
propagate_to_epoch([sink = Tuple, ]::Val{:propagator}, dt::DateTime, args...; kwargs...) -> SVector{3, T}, SVector{3, T}, OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}
propagate_to_epoch(sink = OrbitStateVector, ::Val{:propagator}, jd::Number, args...; kwargs...) -> OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}, OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}
propagate_to_epoch(sink = OrbitStateVector, ::Val{:propagator}, dt::DateTime, args...; kwargs...) -> OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}, OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}

Initialize the orbit propagator and propagate the orbit until the epoch defined by either the Julian Day jd [UTC] or by a DateTime object dt [UTC] from the initial orbit epoch. The initialization arguments args... and kwargs... are the same as in the initialization function Propagators.init. The output type depends on the parameter sink. If it is omitted, it defaults to Tuple and the output is a tuple with the position and velocity vectors.


T is the propagator number type. For more information, see Propagators.init.


If sink is Tuple:

  • SVector{3, T}: Position vector [m] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • SVector{3, T}: Velocity vector [m / s] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}: Structure with the initialized propagator.

If sink is OrbitStateVector:

  • OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}: Structure with the orbit state vector [SI] at the propagation instant.
  • OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}: Structure with the initialized propagator.
propagate_to_epoch([sink = Tuple, ]::Val{:propagator}, vjd::AbstractVector, args...; kwargs...) -> Vector{SVector{3, T}}, Vector{SVector{3, T}}, OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}
propagate_to_epoch([sink = Tuple, ]::Val{:propagator}, vdt::DateTime, args...; kwargs...) -> Vector{SVector{3, T}}, Vector{SVector{3, T}}, OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}
propagate_to_epoch(sink = OrbitStateVector, ::Val{:propagator}, vjd::AbstractVector, args...; kwargs...) -> OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}, OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}
propagate_to_epoch(sink = OrbitStateVector, ::Val{:propagator}, vdt::DateTime, args...; kwargs...) -> OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}, OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}

Initialize the orbit propagator and propagate the orbit for every epoch defined in the vector of Julian Days vjd [UTC] or in the vector of DateTime objects vdt [UTC]. The initialization arguments args... and kwargs... (except for ntasks) are the same as in the initialization function Propagators.init. The output type depends on the parameter sink. If it is omitted, it defaults to Tuple, and the output is a tuple with the arrays containing the position and velocity vectors.


T is the propagator number type. For more information, see Propagators.init.


  • ntasks::Integer: Number of parallel tasks to propagate the orbit. If it is set to a number equal or lower than 1, the function will propagate the orbit sequentially. (Default = Threads.nthreads())


If sink is Tuple:

  • Vector{SVector{3, T}}: Array with the position vectors [m] in the inertial frame at each propagation instant defined in vjd or vdt.
  • Vector{SVector{3, T}}: Array with the velocity vectors [m / s] in the inertial frame at each propagation instant defined in vjd or vdt.
  • OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}: Structure with the initialized parameters.

If sink is OrbitStateVector:

  • Vector{OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}}: Array with the orbit state vectors [SI] at each propagation instant defined in vjd or vdt.
  • OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}: Structure with the initialized parameters.
step!(orbp::OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}, Δt::Number[, sink = Tuple]) where {Tepoch, T} -> SVector{3, T}, SVector{3, T}
step!(orbp::OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}, p::Union{Dates.Period, Dates.CompoundPeriod}[, sink = Tuple]) where {Tepoch, T} -> SVector{3, T}, SVector{3, T}
step!(orbp::OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}, Δt::Number, sink = OrbitStateVector) where {Tepoch, T} -> OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}
step!(orbp::OrbitPropagator{Tepoch, T}, p::Union{Dates.Period, Dates.CompoundPeriod}, sink = OrbitStateVector) where {Tepoch, T} -> OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}

Propagate the orbit using orbp by Δt [s] or by the period defined by p from the current orbit epoch. The output type depends on the parameter sink. If it is omitted, it defaults to Tuple and the output is a tuple with the position and velocity vectors.


If sink is Tuple:

  • SVector{3, T}: Position vector [m] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.
  • SVector{3, T}: Velocity vector [m / s] represented in the inertial frame at propagation instant.

If sink is OrbitStateVector:

  • OrbitStateVector{Tepoch, T}: Structure with the orbit state vector [SI] at the propagation instant.