J2 Analytical Orbit Propagator

The J2 analytical orbit propagator considers only the $J_2$ perturbation term of the geopotential field to obtain a simple analytic solution for propagating the mean orbital elements. It has low precision but is extremely useful during mission design. For example, when designing a Sun-Synchronous orbit for a remote sensing mission, the satellite usually has a propulsion subsystem to maintain its orbit. Hence, the J2 propagator solution can be used as the nominal orbit through the mission lifetime to perform initial studies.


The algorithm implemented here is based on [1, 2]. This version takes into account only the secular effects in the orbit elements.

After neglecting all terms with higher order than J2, we obtain that only the right accession of the ascending node (RAAN), the argument of perigee, and mean motion are perturbed by the geopotential field with secular effects. Hence, the algorithm propagates the mean elements using the following equations:

\[\begin{aligned} p_0 &= a_0 \cdot (1 - e_0^2) \\ \bar{n} &= n_0 \cdot \left[1 + \frac{3}{4} \cdot J_2 \cdot \left(\frac{R_0}{p_0}\right)^2 \cdot \sqrt{1 - e_0^2} \cdot \left(2 - 3\sin{i_0}^2\right)\right] \Omega(t) &= \Omega_0 - \frac{2}{3} \cdot J_2 \cdot \left(\frac{R_0}{p_0}\right)^2 \cdot \bar{n} \cdot \cos{i_0} \cdot \left(t - t_0\right) \\ \omega(t) &= \omega_0 + \frac{3}{4} \cdot J_2 \cdot \left(\frac{R_0}{p_0}\right)^2 \cdot \bar{n} \cdot \left(4 - 5\sin{i_0}^2\right) \cdot \left(t - t_0\right) \\ M(t) &= M_0 + \bar{n} \cdot \left(t - t_0\right) \\ \end{aligned}\]

where the subscript $_0$ indicates the initial element, $t_0$ is the initial mean elements' epoch, $a$ is the mean semi-major axis, $n_0$ is mean motion, $\bar{n}$ is the perturbed mean motion, $e$ is the eccentricity, $p$ is the semi-latus rectum, $R_0$ is the Earth's equatorial radius, $\Omega$ is the RAAN, and $M$ is the mean anomaly.


We can initialize the J2 analytical orbit propagator with the following function:

Propagators.init(Val(:J2), orb₀::KeplerianElements; kwargs...) -> OrbitPropagatorJ2

which creates a J2 propagator structure OrbitPropagatorJ2 with the mean Keplerian elements orb₀.

The following keyword selects the gravitational constants for the propagation algorithm:

  • j2c::J2PropagatorConstants: J2 orbit propagator constants (see J2PropagatorConstants). (Default = j2c_egm2008)

This package contains some pre-built propagation constants for this propagator:

J2 Propagator ConstantDescriptionType
j2c_egm2008EGM-2008 gravitational constantsFloat64
j2c_egm2008_f32EGM-2008 gravitational constantsFloat32
j2c_egm1996EGM-1996 gravitational constantsFloat64
j2c_egm1996_f32EGM-1996 gravitational constantsFloat32
j2c_jgm02JGM-02 gravitational constantsFloat64
j2c_jgm02_f32JGM-02 gravitational constantsFloat32
j2c_jgm03JGM-03 gravitational constantsFloat64
j2c_jgm03_f32JGM-03 gravitational constantsFloat32

The type used in the propagation will be the same as used to define the constants in the structure j2c.

julia> orb = KeplerianElements(
           date_to_jd(2023, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),
           98.405 |> deg2rad,
           100    |> deg2rad,
           90     |> deg2rad,
           19     |> deg2rad
       )KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}:
           Epoch :    2.45995e6 (2023-01-01T00:00:00)
 Semi-major axis : 7190.98     km
    Eccentricity :    0.001111
     Inclination :   98.405    °
            RAAN :  100.0      °
 Arg. of Perigee :   90.0      °
    True Anomaly :   19.0      °
julia> orbp = Propagators.init(Val(:J2), orb; j2c = j2c_jgm03)OrbitPropagatorJ2{Float64, Float64}: Propagator name : J2 Orbit Propagator Propagator epoch : 2023-01-01T00:00:00 Last propagation : 2023-01-01T00:00:00

Fitting Mean Elements

We can use the function:

Propagators.fit_mean_elements(::Val{:J2}, vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_i::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_i::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) -> KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}, SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}

to fit a set of mean Keplerian elements for the J2 orbit propagator using the osculating elements represented by a set of position vectors vr_i [m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_i [m / s] represented in an inertial reference frame at instants in the array vjd [Julian Day].

It returns the fitted Keplerian elements and the final covariance matrix of the least-square algorithm.


This algorithm version will allocate a new J2 propagator with the default constants j2c_egm2008. If another set of constants are required, use the function Propagators.fit_mean_elements! instead.

The following keywords are available to configure the fitting process:

  • atol::Number: Tolerance for the residue absolute value. If the residue is lower than atol at any iteration, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • rtol::Number: Tolerance for the relative difference between the residues. If the relative difference between the residues in two consecutive iterations is lower than rtol, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)
  • initial_guess::Union{Nothing, KeplerianElements}: Initial guess for the mean elements fitting process. If it is nothing, the algorithm will obtain an initial estimate from the osculating elements in vr_i and vv_i. (Default = nothing)
  • jacobian_perturbation::Number: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference when calculating the Jacobian matrix. (Default = 1e-3)
  • jacobian_perturbation_tol::Number: Tolerance to accept the perturbation when calculating the Jacobian matrix. If the computed perturbation is lower than jacobian_perturbation_tol, we increase it until it absolute value is higher than jacobian_perturbation_tol. (Default = 1e-7)
  • max_iterations::Int: Maximum number of iterations allowed for the least-square fitting. (Default = 50)
  • mean_elements_epoch::Number: Epoch for the fitted mean elements. (Default = vjd[end])
  • verbose::Bool: If true, the algorithm prints debugging information to stdout. (Default = true)
  • weight_vector::AbstractVector: Vector with the measurements weights for the least-square algorithm. We assemble the weight matrix W as a diagonal matrix with the elements in weight_vector at its diagonal. (Default = @SVector(ones(Bool, 6)))
julia> vr_i = [
           [-6792.402703741442, 2192.6458461287293, 0.18851758695295118]  .* 1000,
           [-1781.214419290065, 1619.7795321872854, 6707.771633846665]    .* 1000,
           [ 5693.643675547716, -1192.342828671633, 4123.976025977494]    .* 1000,
           [ 5291.613719530499, -2354.5417593130833, -4175.561367156414]  .* 1000,
           [-2416.3705905186903, -268.74923235392623, -6715.411357310478] .* 1000,
           [-6795.043410709359, 2184.4414321930635, -0.4327055325971031]  .* 1000,
julia> vv_i = [ [0.3445760107690598, 1.0395135806993514, 7.393686131436984] .* 1000, [6.875680282038698, -1.864319399615942, 2.270603214569518] .* 1000, [3.8964090757666496, -2.1887896252945875, -5.9960180359219075] .* 1000, [-4.470258022565413, 0.5119576359985208, -5.9608372367141635] .* 1000, [-6.647358060413909, 2.495415251255861, 2.292118747543002] .* 1000, [0.3427096905434428, 1.040125572862349, 7.3936887585116855] .* 1000, ];
julia> vjd = [ 2.46002818657856e6 2.460028200467449e6 2.460028214356338e6 2.4600282282452267e6 2.4600282421341157e6 2.4600282560230047e6 ];
julia> orb, P = Propagators.fit_mean_elements(Val(:J2), vjd, vr_i, vv_i)ACTION: Fitting the mean elements for the J2 propagator. Iteration Position RMSE Velocity RMSE Total RMSE RMSE Variation [km] [km / s] [ ] PROGRESS: 1 53.2569 0.0547793 53256.9 --- PROGRESS: 2 6.09001 0.00629975 6090.01 -88.5648 % PROGRESS: 3 6.28203 0.00643173 6282.03 3.15303 % PROGRESS: 4 6.21666 0.00639426 6216.66 -1.04058 % PROGRESS: 5 6.14541 0.00635329 6145.41 -1.14615 % PROGRESS: 6 6.06795 0.00630898 6067.96 -1.26036 % PROGRESS: 7 5.98394 0.00626121 5983.94 -1.38464 % PROGRESS: 8 5.893 0.00620986 5893.01 -1.51959 % PROGRESS: 9 5.79487 0.00615486 5794.87 -1.6653 % PROGRESS: 10 5.68932 0.00609619 5689.32 -1.82137 % PROGRESS: 11 5.5763 0.00603395 5576.3 -1.98663 % PROGRESS: 12 5.45592 0.00596836 5455.92 -2.15869 % PROGRESS: 13 5.32862 0.00589979 5328.62 -2.33329 % PROGRESS: 14 5.19523 0.00582885 5195.23 -2.50332 % PROGRESS: 15 5.05717 0.00575645 5057.17 -2.6574 % PROGRESS: 16 4.91669 0.00568391 4916.69 -2.77785 % PROGRESS: 17 4.77715 0.00561303 4777.16 -2.83799 % PROGRESS: 18 4.64344 0.00554626 4643.45 -2.7989 % PROGRESS: 19 4.52243 0.00548689 4522.43 -2.60623 % PROGRESS: 20 4.42342 0.00543916 4423.42 -2.18922 % PROGRESS: 21 4.35859 0.00540852 4358.59 -1.46571 % PROGRESS: 22 4.3413 0.00540076 4341.31 -0.396498 % PROGRESS: 23 4.3413 0.00540076 4341.31 -2.90569e-06 % (KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Epoch = 2.46003e6 (2023-03-24T18:08:40.388), [0.16604846210230226 0.06643574127302715 … -3.855413642387002e-5 0.0001240322540313337; 0.0664357412698984 0.2663344825561057 … -1.7943611854657147e-5 -1.956795689447386e-5; … ; -3.85541364223557e-5 -1.7943611852843348e-5 … 4.3971984252736047e-7 -8.092704667554433e-8; 0.0001240322540325942 -1.956795689122344e-5 … -8.092704667640543e-8 1.2451922443375673e-7])
julia> orbKeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}: Epoch : 2.46003e6 (2023-03-24T18:08:40.388) Semi-major axis : 7131.63 km Eccentricity : 0.00114299 Inclination : 98.4366 ° RAAN : 162.177 ° Arg. of Perigee : 101.286 ° True Anomaly : 258.689 °


  • [1] Vallado, D. A (2013). Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications. 4th ed. Microcosm Press, Hawthorn, CA, USA.
  • [2] Kozai, Y (1959). The Motion of a Close Earth Satellite. The Astronomical Journal, v. 64, no. 1274, pp. 367 – 377.