This package implements the interface to the SGP4/SDP4 propagator provided by SatelliteToolboxSgp4.jl.
The SGP4/SDP4 implementation was built using [1, 2, 3].
We must initialize the SGP4/SDP4 propagator with a two-line element set (TLE) using the following function:
Propagators.init(Val(:SGP4), tle::TLE; kwargs...) -> OrbitPropagatorSgp4
which creates a SGP4/SDP4 propagator structure OrbitPropagatorSgp4
with the tle
. The following keyword selects the gravitational constants for the propagation algorithm:
: SGP4 orbit propagator constants (seeSgp4Constants
). (Default =sgp4c_wgs84
The package [SatelliteToolboxSgp4.jl] contains some pre-build constants for this propagator:
SGP4/SDP4 Propagator Constants | Description | Type |
sgp4c_wgs84 | Constants based on WGS-84 | Float64 |
sgp4c_wgs84_f32 | Constants based on WGS-84 | Float32 |
sgp4c_wgs72 | Constants based on WGS-72 | Float64 |
sgp4c_wgs72_f32 | Constants based on WGS-72 | Float32 |
The type used in the propagation will be the same as used to define the constants in the structure sgp4c
The package SatelliteToolboxTle.jl defines the type TLE
, which is re-exported here. It contains some useful functionalities, such as TLE fetching from online services. For more information, refer to the package documentation.
julia> tle = tle""" AMAZONIA 1 1 47699U 21015A 23083.68657856 -.00000044 10000-8 43000-4 0 9990 2 47699 98.4304 162.1097 0001247 136.2017 223.9283 14.40814394108652"""
TLE: Name : AMAZONIA 1 Satellite number : 47699 International designator : 21015A Epoch (Year / Day) : 23 / 83.68657856 (2023-03-24T16:28:40.388) Element set number : 999 Eccentricity : 0.00012470 Inclination : 98.43040000 deg RAAN : 162.10970000 deg Argument of perigee : 136.20170000 deg Mean anomaly : 223.92830000 deg Mean motion (n) : 14.40814394 revs / day Revolution number : 10865 B* : 4.3e-05 1 / er ṅ / 2 : -4.4e-07 rev / day² n̈ / 6 : 1e-09 rev / day³
julia> Propagators.init(Val(:SGP4), tle)
OrbitPropagatorSgp4{Float64, Float64}: Propagator name : SGP4 Orbit Propagator Propagator epoch : 2023-03-24T16:28:40.388 Last propagation : 2023-03-24T16:28:40.388
We also support initializing an SGP4/SDP4 propagator passing the TLE information in individual terms:
Propagators.init(Val(:SGP4), epoch::Number, n₀::Number, e₀::Number, i₀::Number, Ω₀::Number, ω₀::Number, M₀::Number, bstar::Number; kwargs...) -> OrbitPropagatorSgp4
: Epoch of the orbital elements [Julian Day].n₀::Number
: SGP type "mean" mean motion at epoch [rad/s].e₀::Number
: "Mean" eccentricity at epoch.i₀::Number
: "Mean" inclination at epoch [rad].Ω₀::Number
: "Mean" longitude of the ascending node at epoch [rad].ω₀::Number
: "Mean" argument of perigee at epoch [rad].M₀::Number
: "Mean" mean anomaly at epoch [rad].bstar::Number
: Drag parameter (B*).
The keywords kwargs...
are the same as in the first version of this function.
Fitting TLEs
We can use the function:
Propagators.fit_mean_elements(::Val{:SGP4}, vjd::AbstractVector{Tjd}, vr_teme::AbstractVector{Tv}, vv_teme::AbstractVector{Tv}; kwargs...) -> KeplerianElements{Float64, Float64}, SMatrix{6, 6, Float64}
to fit a Two-Line Element set (TLE
) for the SGP4 orbit propagator using the osculating elements represented by a set of position vectors vr_teme
[m] and a set of velocity vectors vv_teme
[m / s] represented in the True-Equator, Mean-Equinox reference frame (TEME) at instants in the array vjd
[Julian Day].
It returns the fitted TLE and the final covariance matrix of the least-square algorithm.
This algorithm was based on [4].
This algorithm version will allocate a new SGP4 propagator with the default constants sgp4c_wgs84
. If another set of constants are required, use the function Propagators.fit_mean_elements!
The following keywords are available to configure the fitting process:
: Tolerance for the residue absolute value. If the residue is lower thanatol
at any iteration, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)rtol::Number
: Tolerance for the relative difference between the residues. If the relative difference between the residues in two consecutive iterations is lower thanrtol
, the computation loop stops. (Default = 2e-4)estimate_bstar::Bool
: Iftrue
, the algorithm will try to estimate the B* parameter. Otherwise, it will be set to 0 or to the value in initial guess (see section Initial Guess). (Default = true)initial_guess::Union{Nothing, AbstractVector, TLE}
: Initial guess for the TLE fitting process. If it isnothing
, the algorithm will obtain an initial estimate from the osculating elements invr_teme
. For more information, see the section Initial Guess. (Default = nothing)jacobian_perturbation::Number
: Initial state perturbation to compute the finite-difference when calculating the Jacobian matrix. (Default = 1e-3)jacobian_perturbation_tol::Number
: Tolerance to accept the perturbation when calculating the Jacobian matrix. If the computed perturbation is lower thanjacobian_perturbation_tol
, we increase it until it absolute value is higher thanjacobian_perturbation_tol
. (Default = 1e-7)max_iterations::Int
: Maximum number of iterations allowed for the least-square fitting. (Default = 50)mean_elements_epoch::Number
: Epoch for the fitted TLE. (Default = vjd[end])verbose::Bool
: Iftrue
, the algorithm prints debugging information tostdout
. (Default = true)weight_vector::AbstractVector
: Vector with the measurements weights for the least-square algorithm. We assemble the weight matrixW
as a diagonal matrix with the elements inweight_vector
at its diagonal. (Default =@SVector(ones(Bool, 6))
: Satellite classification character for the output TLE. (Default = 'U')element_set_number::Int
: Element set number for the output TLE. (Default = 0)international_designator::String
: International designator string for the output TLE. (Default = "999999")name::String
: Satellite name for the output TLE. (Default = "UNDEFINED")revolution_number::Int
: Revolution number for the output TLE. (Default = 0)satellite_number::Int
: Satellite number for the output TLE. (Default = 9999)
julia> vr_teme = [ [-6792.402703741442, 2192.6458461287293, 0.18851758695295118] .* 1000, [-6357.88873265975, 2391.9476768911686, 2181.838771262736] .* 1000 ];
julia> vv_teme = [ [0.3445760107690598, 1.0395135806993514, 7.393686131436984] .* 1000, [2.5285015912807003, 0.27812476784300005, 7.030323100703928] .* 1000 ];
julia> vjd = [ 2.46002818657856e6, 2.460028190050782e6 ];
julia> tle, P = Propagators.fit_mean_elements(Val(:SGP4), vjd, vr_teme, vv_teme; estimate_bstar = false)
ACTION: Fitting the TLE. Iteration Position RMSE Velocity RMSE Total RMSE RMSE Variation [km] [km / s] [ ] PROGRESS: 1 13.589 0.00473939 13.589 --- PROGRESS: 2 0.000902827 4.59551e-06 0.000902839 -99.9934 % PROGRESS: 3 5.79219e-09 4.38304e-07 4.38343e-07 -99.9514 % (TLE: UNDEFINED (Epoch = 2023-03-24T16:33:40.388), [1.0857516670112908 -0.024565134376204067 … -0.07514785921985671 -5698.500770541173; -0.024565134379496076 1.0179328946623214 … 0.022881996752420863 1735.4397854652639; … ; -0.0751478592201972 0.02288199675149808 … 0.06516943389767876 4946.909491810927; -5698.500770568585 1735.4397853961086 … 4946.909491812222 3.7563825900165176e8])
julia> tle
TLE: Name : UNDEFINED Satellite number : 9999 International designator : 999999 Epoch (Year / Day) : 23 / 83.69005079 (2023-03-24T16:33:40.388) Element set number : 0 Eccentricity : 0.00012463 Inclination : 98.43040000 deg RAAN : 162.11312239 deg Argument of perigee : 136.15040637 deg Mean anomaly : 241.97934027 deg Mean motion (n) : 14.40814157 revs / day Revolution number : 0 B* : 0 1 / er ṅ / 2 : 0 rev / day² n̈ / 6 : 0 rev / day³
- [1] Hoots, F. R., Roehrich, R. L (1980). Models for Propagation of NORAD Elements Set. Spacetrack Report No. 3.
- [2] Vallado, D. A., Crawford, P., Hujsak, R., Kelso, T. S (2006). Revisiting Spacetrack Report #3: Rev1. AIAA.
- [3] SGP4 Source code of STRF, which the C code was converted by Paul. S. Crawford and Andrew R. Brooks.
- [4] Vallado, D. A., Crawford, P (2008). SGP4 Orbit Determination. AIAA.