Creating TLEs

We can create a TLE using the function:

TLE(; kwargs...)

where kwargs... are keywords arguments with the same name as in the TLE fields, as explained here. The following elements are required:

  • epoch_year, epoch_day, inclination, raan, eccentricity, argument_of_perigee, mean_anomaly and mean_motion.

The algorithm assigns default values for the other fields if they are not present.

julia> tle = TLE(
           name = "My satellite",
           epoch_year = 23,
           epoch_day = 1.5,
           inclination = 98.405,
           raan = 220.19,
           eccentricity = 0.001,
           argument_of_perigee = 90,
           mean_anomaly = 0.0,
           mean_motion = 14.4
                      Name : My satellite
          Satellite number : 0
  International designator : 00000
        Epoch (Year / Day) : 23 /   1.50000000 (2023-01-01T12:00:00)
        Element set number : 0
              Eccentricity :   0.00100000
               Inclination :  98.40500000 deg
                      RAAN : 220.19000000 deg
       Argument of perigee :  90.00000000 deg
              Mean anomaly :   0.00000000 deg
           Mean motion (n) :  14.40000000 revs / day
         Revolution number : 0
                        B* :            0 1 / er
                     ṅ / 2 :            0 rev / day²
                     n̈ / 6 :            0 rev / day³

The text representation of the TLE can be obtained by converting the object to a string using convert:

julia> convert(String, tle) |> printMy satellite            
1 00000U 00000    23001.50000000  .00000000  00000+0  00000+0 0    02
2 00000  98.4050 220.1900 0010000  90.0000   0.0000 14.40000000    01