SpaceIndices.jl API
This package defines an API to allow user to defin new space indices. We describe this API in the following.
Each space index set must have a structure that has SpaceIndexSet
as its super-type. This structure must contain all the required field to process and return the indices provided by the set.
struct MySpaceIndex <: SpaceIndexSet
Required API Functions
We must define the following functions for every space index set defined as in the previous section.
function SpaceIndices.urls(::Type{T}) where T<:SpaceIndexFile -> Vector{String}
This function must return a Vector{String}
with the URLs to download the files for the indices. For example:
SpaceIndices.urls(::Type{MySpaceIndex}) = [""]
function SpaceIndices.expiry_periods(::Type{T}) where T<:SpaceIndexFile -> Vector{DatePeriod}
This function must return the list with the expiry periods for the files in the space index set T
. The remote files will always be downloaded if a time greater than this period has elapsed after the last download. For example:
get_filenames(::Type{MySpaceIndex}) = [Day(7)]
SpaceIndices.parse_files(::Type{T}, filepaths::Vector{String}) where T<:SpaceIndexFile -> T
This function must parse the files related to the space index set T
using the files in filepaths
and return an instance of T
with the parsed data. For example,
function SpaceIndices.parse_files(::Type{MySpaceIndex}, filepaths::Vector{String})
for filepath in filepaths
open(filepath, "r") do f
return MySpaceIndex(...)
Finally, the new space index set must also implement a set of functions with the following signature:
SpaceIndices.space_index(::Val{:index}, instant::DateTime; kwargs...) -> Number
SpaceIndices.space_index(::Val{:index}, jd::Number; kwargs...) -> Number
where the space index
for the instant
will be returned.
Optional API Functions
function SpaceIndices.filenames(::Type{T}) where T<:SpaceIndexFile -> Vector{String}
This function can return a Vector{String}
with the names of the remote files. The system will used this information to save the data in the package scratch space. For example:
SpaceIndices.filenames(::Type{MySpaceIndex}) = ["my_space_file.txt"]
If this function is not defined, the filename will be obtained from the URL using the function basename
All functions that return a Vector
must return an array with the same number of elements.
Example: Leap Seconds
We will use the API to define a new space index set that has the GPS leap seconds. The file has a CSV-like format but the values are separated by ;
. It has two columns. The first contains the Julian days in which the leap seconds were modified to the values in the second column:
Julian Day;Leap Seconds
First, we need to load the required packages to process the information in the space index file:
julia> using DelimitedFiles, Dates
Now, we need to create its structure:
struct LeapSeconds <: SpaceIndexSet
where jd
contains the Julian days in which the leap seconds were modified to the values in leap_seconds
We also need to overload the API functions:
SpaceIndices.urls(::Type{LeapSeconds}) = [""]
SpaceIndices.expiry_periods(::Type{LeapSeconds}) = [Day(365)]
function SpaceIndices.parse_file(::Type{LeapSeconds}, filepaths::Vector{String})
filepath = first(filepaths)
raw_data, ~ = readdlm(filepath, ';'; header = true)
return LeapSeconds(raw_data[:, 1], raw_data[:, 2])
We also need to populate the function space_index
with the supported index in this file:
function SpaceIndices.space_index(::Val{:LeapSeconds}, instant::DateTime)
obj = SpaceIndices.@object(LeapSeconds)
jd = datetime2julian(instant)
id = findfirst(>=(jd_utc), obj.jd)
if isnothing(id)
id = length(obj.jd)
return obj.leap_seconds[id]
Finally, we need to register the new space index file:
SpaceIndices.@register LeapSeconds
We can now use the SpaceIndices.jl system to fetch the information:
julia> SpaceIndices.init()
[ Info: Downloading the file 'DTCFILE.TXT' from ''...
[ Info: Downloading the file 'SOLFSMY.TXT' from ''...
[ Info: Downloading the file 'SW-All.csv' from ''...
julia> space_index(Val(:LeapSeconds), now())