Obtaining the Space Indices

julia> using Dates
julia> using SpaceIndices
julia> SpaceIndices.Scratch.clear_scratchspaces!(SpaceIndices)

After the initialization shown in Initialization of Space Indices, the user can obtain the space index value using the function:

space_index(::Val{:index}, jd::Number; kwargs...) -> Number
space_index(::Val{:index}, instant::DateTime; kwargs...) -> Number

where index is the desired space index and jd is the Julian Day to obtain the information. The latter can also be specified using instant, which is a DateTime object.

julia> SpaceIndices.init()[ Info: Downloading the file 'DTCFILE.TXT' from 'https://sol.spacenvironment.net/JB2008/indices/DTCFILE.TXT'...
[ Info: Downloading the file 'SOLFSMY.TXT' from 'https://sol.spacenvironment.net/JB2008/indices/SOLFSMY.TXT'...
[ Info: Downloading the file 'SW-All.csv' from 'https://celestrak.org/SpaceData/SW-All.csv'...
julia> space_index(Val(:F10adj), DateTime(2020, 6, 19))70.2
julia> space_index(Val(:F10adj), 2.4590195e6)70.2

The following space indices are currently supported:

Space Index SetIndexDescriptionUnit
CelestrakF10obsObserved F10.7 (10.7-cm solar flux)10⁻²² W / (M² ⋅ Hz)
F10obs_avg_center81Observed F10.7 (10.7-cm solar flux) averaged over 81 days centered10⁻²² W / (M² ⋅ Hz)
F10obs_avg_last81Observed F10.7 (10.7-cm solar flux) averaged over 81 last days10⁻²² W / (M² ⋅ Hz)
F10adjAdjusted F10.7 (10.7-cm solar flux)10⁻²² W / (M² ⋅ Hz)
F10adj_avg_center81Observed F10.7 (10.7-cm solar flux) averaged over 81 days centered10⁻²² W / (M² ⋅ Hz)
F10adj_avg_last81Observed F10.7 (10.7-cm solar flux) averaged over 81 last days10⁻²² W / (M² ⋅ Hz)
ApAp index computed every three hours
Ap_dailyDaily Ap index
KpKp index computed every three hours
Kp_dailyDaily Kp index
CpDaily planetary character figure
C9Daily magnetic index on Cp basis
ISNInternational sunspot number
BSRNBartels solar rotation number
NDNumber of days into Bartels solar rotation cycleDays
JB2008DTCExospheric temperature variation caused by the Dst indexK
S10EUV index (26-34 nm) scaled to F10.710⁻²² W / (M² ⋅ Hz)
M10MG2 index scaled to F10.710⁻²² W / (M² ⋅ Hz)
Y10Solar X-ray & Lya index scaled to F10.710⁻²² W / (M² ⋅ Hz)
S81a81-day averaged EUV index (26-34 nm) scaled to F10.710⁻²² W / (M² ⋅ Hz)
M81a81-day averaged MG2 index scaled to F10.710⁻²² W / (M² ⋅ Hz)
Y81a81-day averaged solar X-ray & Lya index scaled to F10.710⁻²² W / (M² ⋅ Hz)