Initialization of Space Indices

The files of all the registered space indices can be automatically downloaded using:

SpaceIndices.init(; kwargs...) -> Nothing

If a file exists, the function checks if its expiry period has passed. If so, it downloads the file again.

julia> SpaceIndices.init()

If the user does not want to download a set of space indices, they can pass them in the keyword blocklist to the function SpaceIndices.init.

julia> SpaceIndices.init(; blocklist = [SpaceIndices.Celestrak])

If the user wants to initialize only one space index set, they can pass it to the same function:

SpaceIndices.init(::Type{T}; kwargs...) where T<:SpaceIndexSet -> Nothing

where T must be the space index set. In this case, the user have access to the following keywords:

  • force_download::Bool: If true, the remote files will be downloaded regardless of their timestamps. (Default = false)
  • filepaths::Union{Nothing, Vector{String}}: If it is nothing, the function will download the space index files from the locations specified in the urls API function. However, the user can pass a vector with the file locations, which will be used instead of downloading the data. In this case, the user must provide all the files in the space index set T. (Default = nothing)
julia> SpaceIndices.init()[ Info: Downloading the file 'DTCFILE.TXT' from ''...
[ Info: Downloading the file 'SOLFSMY.TXT' from ''...
[ Info: Downloading the file 'SW-All.csv' from ''...
julia> SpaceIndices.init(SpaceIndices.Celestrak; filepaths = ["./SW-All.csv"])