Quick Start
This quick tutorial will show how to use SpaceIndicies.jl to obtain the F10.7 index at 2020-06-19.
First, we need to initialize all the space indices:
julia> SpaceIndices.init()
[ Info: Downloading the file 'DTCFILE.TXT' from 'https://sol.spacenvironment.net/JB2008/indices/DTCFILE.TXT'... [ Info: Downloading the file 'SOLFSMY.TXT' from 'https://sol.spacenvironment.net/JB2008/indices/SOLFSMY.TXT'... [ Info: Downloading the file 'SW-All.csv' from 'https://celestrak.org/SpaceData/SW-All.csv'...
Afterward, we can obtain the desired space index using:
julia> space_index(Val(:F10adj), DateTime(2020, 6, 19))